about horses, and she feels freer in her own expressions…; she rests her head on
my arm throughout the meeting…
I introduce A.R; this moment is interesting for me, as are also present M.S and
Cyril and Rakhal and L, all of whom were part of the community experience in
After many topics, the “Auromodel” matter is brought up again; K.T is most
touching with his caring seriousness, yet it is also obvious that he is not taking into
account a whole side of the issue, while Ram Singh is plain stubborn with that
legitimate pride of a good peasant, having little else to show in order to be even
… The Inspector Thomas has come with summons for 32 of us to explain before the
Magistrate tomorrow why we shouldn’t sign a “peace-bond” with 28 of the SAS
agents, valid for 1 year, with a penalty of Rs 500/- per individual…!
… Al.B and Fred make a suggestion which I feel is right and happy: that each of us
signs individually a statement to the effect that we do not have any claims over any
assets in which we may have invested or which we may have created in Auroville;
and this same statement would be signed later on by every newcomer to Auroville…
… Noh, Phil and I are half an hour late serving the dinner, but no one is upset, the
children are running and fooling all over, crawling among the pots and under the
tables, it is all a cheerful mess…!
*8-2-1980, Auroville:
After visiting with Krishna for an hour or so, I attend the Coop meeting at
“Tapoloka”. We all sit at one table; after a while I offer to take down the points we
wish to articulate into a statement for the Court and the officials; we work on it this
way, until it feels fairly accurate and inclusive…
… J.Cl has arrived: another one of our “community” in France… He has not changed
much; his language is still the same colourful, prolific, elaborate and funny flow…
… P.G returns from Tindivanam: the whole thing is postponed to the 26
… Dadu is quite taken by J.Cl, his generous nature, his humour and good-will; it is
sweet to see that…!
*9-2-1980, Auroville:
Looking to borrow a bike, I walk down to the Nursery in the afternoon. M.H and
Narad greet me warmly and Narad makes me sit and tells me, all jubilant, that
Poppo has come to him with a broad plan for the Gardens, with all of Your
indications in it, and they are going to detail it together.
… At dinner M.S and Cyril join us: it is a comforting joy to see my little boy all
bright and lively next to his mother, here in Auroville, at last…
… C.E had returned to his hut the evening of the day I had found him in Pondy,
without V. I needed today to find out whether A.R could then move into the empty
hut… C.E looks happy to see me; he makes it clear that he’d like me to stay on and,
quietly, slowly, carefully and tenderly we enter together into our intimate home-
space, each relieved to find it again, each happy to be able to give and receive, in
full trust and freely. When it is like that, I wish it would be gold or some luminous
substance that our bodies would secrete…
*10-2-1980, Auroville: