assumptions and feelings; I meet him, for a very moving moment, as we get up to
leave, and I feel his genuine and deep yearning for progress and truth…
… Yus has come back with good news from the Tindivanam Court: we have won!
That is, the Court has set aside the ex-party Order, the SAS cannot legally prevent
us from stopping them and there is no further cause for the Police to maintain the
sanction of the section 144, unless a law and order problem occurs; but this is only
valid till the 5
of March, when the entire procedure is to start all over again…
… Al.B and Diane came to the house; Al.B reads a letter from M.D and another from
Luc V… it is that funny tone of those who stand “under the Truth’s wing”… but it’s
alright, I guess…!
*3-2-1980, Auroville:
I am walking back home from “Dana” in the evening. Approaching the last turn I
see, coming in my direction, a woman; as we get closer, I recognise her: A.R! After
8 years! We begin to laugh… I see in her eyes that the contact has remained alive,
unaltered… But her atmosphere has now become foreign to me; nothing stirs in me,
it is immobile and quiet. Her anxiety is vanishing, her apprehension, having decided
to come all the way… In her vibration and demeanour I can appreciate the ground
she has covered, a certain poise… She tells me that J.Cl is due to arrive also, in a
few days… I welcome her into the house…
*4-2-1980, Auroville:
For once there is some good news in the papers! Bani Sadr’s election in Iran, the
boycott of the Olympic Games, Indira’s meeting with Giscard…
… A.R talks to me, simply; there is no imitation, no pretence; she is quite articulate
about her own progress and necessities…
… C.E has disappeared since 4 days; Pas thought at first that he was staying with V
in Pondy, and I was glad of it, but now this seems unlikely, so I begin to worry…
… A.R talks to me again; she tells me of those years and of her relationship to me,
of how she sought to have that absence filled and could not, not in that way, till she
came to a state of acceptance and detached clarity; and how she found herself on
her way here…
*5-2-1980, Auroville:
Gillian and Tess come to ask for P.G’s hut to be turned into a workshop for the
hired ladies of their unit; Gillian is quite vindictive and questions my “right” to
determine the usage of the hut; but I stay firm and repeat that the priority will be
for V to move in; Marcia has also indicated that, if V wouldn’t use it, she then would
like to…
*6-2-1980, Auroville:
Gauri’s behaviour is getting to be harassment; she is so demanding, her
attachment to me is abnormal; throughout the night she will go on at me, pulling
me out of rest, and I don’t know what to do, I would need the knowledge of these
energies which I do not know how to obtain… I keep hoping that this time around
she will have healthy kittens and will be occupied with that…
… A.R talks to me, with much honesty, of her experiences with various “mystic
groups”, when she was badly in need of nourishment and yet never able to comply