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or animated, or “live” meditation: there is a subject of study and there is a

demonstration… This time it is about our conditionings as “colonisers” and how

these beliefs or values subconsciously influence or colour the way we understand

Your Work of Transformation: we project into it that sense of a colonising and of a

subsuming, or making subservient and, a step further, of establishing an “elite”… It

is an ingrained thing and this is not specifically western or “white”; it is quite

universal! In this “dream”, the issue is connected directly to the body’s well-being

and harmony – and to its weaknesses, such as loosing hair as an expression of an

erosion of trust, or one of guilt…

*7-3-1980, Auroville:

When I return from Jacques the dentist, I find Krishna sitting with C, in a very

companionable mood; it makes me happy that these two are able to find one

another directly… We spend the rest of the morning quietly busy with our

respective handiworks, Krishna and I with leather and beads, C stitching pillow

covers, in a rhythmic repose…

Krishna does the afternoon shift at Matrimandir with me…

*8-3-1980, Auroville:

It is the continuation of the last general meeting. It begins with a long silence;

everyone seems to have done some “home-work”, the atmosphere is calm and

rather serious… M.Z chairs; we all agree that: as a collectivity we disapprove of the

use of drugs; that we disapprove and wish to discourage any occult practice or guru

ship that would aim at providing “intermediaries”, as these in effect only veil or

obscure our direct relationship to You and Sri Aurobindo; that we disapprove and

object to any collusion with groups or organisations, such as the SAS or the SSJ’s

group, who claim ownership or seek to establish “leadership rights” over Auroville…

Toward the end of the meeting I go and sit by myself in Myrtle’s kitchen and try

and draft it all in a clear way, to “capture” the spirit of it as it has been expressed…:

“The present community of Auroville needs to make the following statement to

express its aspiration and will to progress towards the Future, free from confusion,

pretence and imitation…”… I hand it over to the few – M.Z, Savitra and P.G – who

are working on it… I feel there is a tremendous importance in this step we are being

led to make, not only for Auroville but for the progress of consciousness anywhere…

*10-3-1980, Auroville:

C and I spend most of the day in town. We have to get a ticket for me to

accompany her to Delhi, as she has insisted so much – I just pray I can be of some

use while there… The ring I have designed for her is ready and surprisingly well-

made, the two stones are well set, an emerald and a topaz and it fits her hand

perfectly… She is very pleased…

… Piero has called a meeting of all Matrimandir workers this evening, to decide

whether we can accept the presence of the carpenters again and resume work, or

we must refuse and then be prevented to work for a longer period…

… Prem tells me of the meeting that took place yesterday with the S.P and the new

sub-Collector in which he, Dor and Fred stood for us, while Guru Prasad, Indra P

and their lawyer stood for the SAS. It seems that the SP and sub-Collector have

had signals from “higher-up” that are not favourable to the SAS and they made it

clear that we are actually within our rights both at Matrimandir and on the land…