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… There is a joy when one keeps trying to find the truest response to a difficulty,

and there is that taste of ashes when sincerity is not there…

… Hervé rides in this afternoon, all upset, his face swollen and bruised, and his

glasses shattered: he’s just been ambushed and beaten up at his place by three


*6-12-1980, Auroville:

A crisp, sunny morning: the cow at “Dana” has delivered a she-calf, so easily! We

are all beaming with it: so simple!

… Today is my “last” day in this house for some time, as You will…

And, before You, to the soul of this place I offer my gratitude and my faithful and

loving commitment…

*9-12-1980, Auroville:

Saraswati and D.S’s baby boy is born this afternoon…

*11-12-1980, Auroville:

Returning early afternoon from work, I find that poor Danny, instructed by Piero

and F.Gr, has set his men to dig marker pits right across the garden of “Sincerity”,

following some secret decision taken by them to modify and extend the radius of

the central “Peace” area by 50 meters! About 50 pits are already dug. I get angry,

in a sort of cool and firm way, and have the men refill those pits at once, having

first sent away Danny’s workers…

*12-12-1980, Auroville:

These days, due to the different functions I am identified with, I am made to meet

with a lot of people and to come in contact with more aspects and perspectives, and

it is interesting. And You Know I am always grateful when I can be of some service;

at the same time, there is this gently ironic look, as if from within, that prevents

me from taking myself too seriously; it is keeping a discreet watch, and it makes

me feel safe…!

*13-12-1980, Auroville:

G.M accompanies me to Cuddalore today: he has to try and get his bike’ papers,

and I have to meet with the Collector: I have a whole list of topics to see with her;

she is supportive and efficient, in her slightly dumb and enthusiastic manner,

ordering her staff about like sheep, fixing appointments with her officers…

When we return, I am burning with fever…

… Our team in Delhi has met Indira yesterday, and held a Press conference


*20-12-1980, Auroville:

Since Diane has come back from Delhi, it is becoming obvious that we are both

considering entering into a more intimate relationship. But as we both value the

friendship and team spirit already established between us, neither of us wants to