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Krishna this morning brought me two bottles of champagne! Ar. brought me a

surprise gift, a very special photograph of Sri Aurobindo she’s had framed, his face

and the top of his chest, resting in Samadhi on his bed… And earlier Su offered me

a faceted crystal, to hang in the light…

*26-12-1988, Auroville:

I spent the entire day here, and time ran twice as fast. All morning I went on

pruning and cleaning in the garden and all afternoon I sorted out and cleared and

re-organised old papers and just now I finished a big bonfire of it… But all through I

had to struggle and strive to pull out from or undo the unreality that prevents me

to be aware of the Presence and Its axis – barriers, or rigid orientations that are of

my own making, re-built in the ignorance of energy…

This is my goal now, my constant goal without a goal: to be aware of That and let it

flow and be and do, to let It reveal the concreteness of Your way in all things, at all

points and at every minute…

*27-12-1988, Auroville:

I had to refuse Krishna’s movement of bringing his electronic machine and to

practice his music here; explaining to him why has sort of cleared up the two years

of distance between us…

… Kasinathan is sad to be at “Ravena” without me; I know it’s true, and I too miss

him; he is such a sweet creature… He tells me that, now that I’m gone, Nar has

assumed full ease and is acting bossy – which doesn’t surprise me…!

*29-12-1988, Auroville:

There is the psychological tension due to the pulls of these two relationships, with

Su and with Ar. Because of that unease, I tend to withdraw and put up barriers in

both directions, since I do not believe in the truth of declaring “this and not that”,

of choosing one to the detriment of the other; I value each reality, in its place. But

obviously, the way life goes, it creates a knot, rather than a widening…

… I tend to be obsessed again with a desire for N, to hold him, to caress him, to let

go with him; the only way I can be quiet about it is through gratitude before Thee.

When I realise that this too Thou givest me, the strain of desire and its interference

dissolves… I can do it, but I do not have to be prisoner of it… But it isn’t a steady

realisation, it comes and goes… Late this morning, N did come to me, and we met

quietly; there is sweetness and a home-feeling with him…

*30-12-1988, Auroville:

Suddenly this afternoon I just had to move. I cycled down to the ocean and stayed

there a long time; there was a backlash and a struggle of ego-resistance, and then

there was a wonderful, wonderful state, filled with gratitude and a clear, limpid

sense of the way…

You know…

… Last night, among many other things, at once coming up to me was Diane, her

eyes wide and her inner being intent on mine… Auragni wasn’t with her; it was so

vivid that I almost expected it to happen in the day…