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then can a simple evaluation be made of the requirements – labour, instruments

and machines - in order to fulfil the task at hand.

In short it seems to me that no committees, sub or sup, no managements, triple or

multi-tiered, will ever produce the quality of commitment that must come from us –

and that commitment alone will free us from the need of the old structures and

their accompanying shadows.

This isn’t to say we must not even try, out of the present inertia, to reach for some

sort of dynamism by means of organisation; but we must remember that when we

lay emphasis on a frame-work rather than on commitment, we choose to remain

crippled a while longer. Yet, surely, it must be better to limp on than not to move at


*13-11-1989, Auroville:

Roger A arrived this afternoon, accompanied by Jacq and his usual, though

diminished, entourage. Catherine wasn’t there, so I took him around to see all the

work, and up into the Chamber. It is obvious that he has gone through some

change and physical hardship and he seems to be in a precarious balance, but

willing to work. I don’t know how to help best. I like him, the man, perhaps

because I feel that he loves You; but his ideas are still so… Let us see…

I insisted that he must come regularly to see the work and all the questions and

details of it, with Catherine, and he agreed.

*14-11-1989, Auroville:

This afternoon we had about two hours of discussion with Roger A in the Model

room – Catherine, Jacq, and Luigi part-time – listing all the questions that need to

be answered now. I feel affection for Roger A, but I am helpless to change his

orientations and make him try for simplicity in the overall design; I don’t know

what has to be done, what can be done…

*15-11-1989, Auroville:

Today I felt moved again to awareness – like a magnet that has been cleaned and

can again operate…

*16-11-1989, Auroville:

Days are much too short to attend to all that needs to be done, and calls for

attention; one can so easily be pulled into a maze of organising and moving things,

and it all takes so much talk and circulation of energies and then there needs to be

cleansing… I observe again that as soon as one opens to exchange and

communication for the sake of arranging work details one gets exposed to all kinds

of things that come right in: it is an intricate discipline one must evolve in order not

to be flooded…

… John H is the one who is constantly at the mercy of every call and enquiry, with

the present increase of momentum, and I don’t know how he makes it; but I’m

happy with him…

… With Roger A we seem to be on the right track; but the enormity of all that has

to be finalised, and what it implies in terms of actual construction work, is