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Perspektiv. Det er simpelthen hele København,

»Byen med de skønne Taarne«, der viser sig for

hans indre Øje paa een Gang, »Kongens By«, som

en ældre Tid kaldte den, og som den endnu be­

nævnes i hele Sydsverige fra den Tid Skaane hørte

til Danmark. Det er Byen ved Øresund, med H a­

vets frie Pust gennem sine plane Gader, med alt

det grønne, med Parker og Haver og Promenader,

med de luftige Bøgeskove i sin Periferi og med sin

ering over the metropolis. Gradually the mist lifts,

dissolving in a bluish haze and finally dispersing

in the ever free and fresh air of he seaport.

The whole of this picture will always charm

and captivate the visitor even it is not known be-

forehand what the objects seen represent. But for

those who know the place the effect is doubly

charming. Not only what is seen of the city at the

moment acquires significance, but also what is

Vor Frelsers Kirke. — The Church of our Saviour. — L’Eglise de Notre Sauveur. — Die Erloserkirche.

hævdvundne Kultur og glorrige Historie præget

endnu i de væsentligste Træk — fra den myndige

Biskop Absalon grundlagde den paa den nuvæ­

rende Slotsholm til den nu spænder over 8000 ha

Land og rummer 725,000 Indbyggere.

Saadan viser København sig for den stedkendte

en Morgen, da han gaar i Land paa Toldboden.

Han er en Mand, der maaske har været længere

Tid borte, men han ha r alligevel ingenting glemt

af sin By. Fra Toldboden agter han sig ud paa

Frederiksberg. Det er en lang Vej gennem hele

den indre, gamle By, over Raadhuspladsen, det

moderne Centrum, og videre ad Vesterbrogade og

Frederiksberg Allé til Frederiksberg Have. Men

han har Tiden for sig, det er tidligt paa Dagen,

actually known of it plays into the picture, giving

it a deeper perspective. It is, as it were, a revelation

of the whole of Copenhagen, »the city of beautiful

towers«, which immediately opens to his m ind’s

eye. ”The King’s Copenhagen”, as a former gener­

ation dubbed it, and as it is still termed in South

Sweden from the time Scania belonged to Den-

mark. It is the city by the Sound with the free air

of the sea pervading its level streets, with its many

green spaces, parks, gardens and promenades, its

lofty beech woods situated out in the periphery

of the town, and w ith is time honoured culture

and glorious history still bearing the stamp in its

essential features from the time of its foundation

by the imperious Bishop Absalon on the district