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Er Kongens Nytorv end ikke mere det trafikale

Midtpunkt i det moderne København, saa er det

dog endnu uden Sammenligning Byens anseligste

Plads. Her ligger

Det kongelige Theater og Opera­

hus, Det Kongelige Akademis

herlige gamle Byg­

ning fra 1672,


hvor de aarlige

Kunstudstillinger afholdes; det »Thottske Palæ«,


fransk Gesandtskabspalæ,

opført for Søhelten

Niels Juel Anno 1685; et Par nydelige Empirebyg-

which he is looking, the

Marble Church

is seen at

the end of Frederiksgade, the foundation stone of

which church he laid in the year 1749. It was how-

ever onlv completed 125 years later with out attain-

ing the intended magnificence which was to sur-

pass everything existing outside Italy. The huge

gold striped dome of the church is however only

some few metres less in diameter tlian that of St.

Peters, Rome, and with its height of 80 M. it is an

Kongens Nytorv. I Baggrunden Det kgl. Teater, opført 1872 af Prof. V. Dahlerup og Prof. Ove Petersen. — Kongens Nytorv, with the

Royal Theatre, erected 1872 by Prof. V. Dahlerup and Prof. Ove Petersen. — Kongens Nytorv: Au fond le Théfitre royal, bat i en 1872

de l’architecte V. Dahlerup et Ove Petersen. — Kongens Nytorv. Im Hintergrund das konigliche Theater, erbaut 1872 von Prof. V. Dahlerup

und Ove Petersén.

ninger af den højtansete danske Arkitekt



(Nr. 5 og Holmens Kanal Nr.


, det tidligere

y>Erichsens Palæ«.,

der nu ejes af Handelsbanken).

Endelig Skandinaviens største Manufakturvarehus

»Magasin du Nord«s

store Kompleks mellem Vin-

gaardsstræde og Lille Kongensgade, Københavns

største Hotel


der er en gammel om­

bygget Adelsgaard, og

Store nordiske Telegrafsel­


Bygning ved Hjørnet af Gothersgade. Med



store Byg­

ning ved Siden af Thotts Palæ er Rækken afslut­

tet — alt i alt en ganske værdig og tildels monu­

mental Indramning af dette Københavns skønne­

ste Torv.

exceedingly characteristic link in the outline of

this city of the many towers.

The proximity of the harbour again becomes per-

ceptible in the wide boulevard-like

St. Annæplads

on the otlier end of Amaliegade. It is the centre

of the quarter in which lie the legations and the

residential quarter of the aristocracy and the large

property owning companies, to which al so Bred­

gade belongs. Running parallel with St. Annæplads



a narrow canal which with its two quay

streets, the one containing several quaint old

houses, stretches right into the former centre of the


Kongens Nytorv.

Although Kongens Nytorv is no longer the traffic