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acute pancreatitis, including necrosis and haemorrhage, chronic pan­

creatitis and cancer of the pancreas). In all cases the diagnosis was

verified through operation or post mortem examination.

The contents of diastase in the urine was abnormal in all the

cases of acute pancreatitis that were examined before 3 days had

passed since the onset of the disease.

In some few patients the primary increase in diastase in the urine

only lasted for one or two days, wherefore the importance of an

early examination is emphasized.

In several patients periods with increased values of diastase were

demonstrated later in the disease, besides the primary increase;

therefore the importance of systematic, daily determinations of

diastase in patients who are admitted so late that the primary in­

crease may have subsided, is pointed out.

In chronic pancreatitis increase in diastase was only found, if the

disease was complicated by acute pancreatitis, the passing of gall

stones, or other special conditions.

This also holds good for carcinoma of the pancreas. In this disease

pathologic values of diastase were only demonstrated in patients

who simultaneously suffered from acute pancreatitis or stones in the





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