Wedding Julep
Brandy Julep
Julep, one of the oldest served American drinks, is known as an
excellent refreshing beverage in tropical climates. It is served
during dances and similar occasions. According to custom some
sugar and water and 3 or 4 sprigs of fresh mint were pulverized
in a glass or in the old fashioned style, in a mortar. This extract
was strained and mixed with the selected alcohol, and then
poured into a Cobbler glass filled with snow-ice. To loosen the
ice it was stirred with a Barspoon and dressed with fruits season
— and 3 or 4 fresh mint sprigs like a flower-bouquet.
The old recipe is still used prevalent in our time, with the only
difference, that we now employ a wooden mint-presser, and serve
with fine sugar, fruits and leaves of mint.
Les Juleps se rangent parmi les plus vieilles boissons originaires de
I'Amerique. Ils sont surtout connus comme rafraichissants dans les
climats tropicaux. On les sert de preference comme rafraichisse-
ment dans les bals ou autres fetes semblables.