Pousse-Cafe are drinks produced expertly in France. The
were immediately copied in America, where they obtained an
enormous popularity. No other drink must be prepared more care
fully. There are a great many varieties of mixtures, which were
strictly followed with knowledge and good taste by the Ameri
cans. The various liquors in a Pousse-Cafe must remain strictly
separated one above the other. This is obtained during the prepara
tion by taking into consideration the specificweights of the various
liquors. The liquors are poured into the glass over the back of the
spoon, which is toudiing the edge of the glass; this is done very
carefully. For quicker service they can also be poured over the
cork, or if the bartender is very adept he can hold the glass in
clined to the edge of the bottle, thus pouring in the various layers
slowly along the inside of the glass.
The Pousse-Cafe glass is a small cup or tumbler glass or also a
Dutch Bols glass.
Lies Pousse-Cafe sont des boissons preparees en France avec beau-
coup d'art, qui ont trouve I'accueil le plus chaleureux et le plus
general aux Etats-Unis. Aucun autre Drink ne doit etre prepare
avec autant de soins et comporte tant de variantes de melanges sur
lesquelles veille jalousement 1'American Beauty, en y vouant la
science et le gout les plus parfaits.