alcohol, 96 per cent,(see No.5), mixed
■with5J gallons oi;
water; add ounces of acetic a3ther.
Color bi'own. (See No. 88.)
45. Bitters, Orange.
6 lbs. of orange peel, macerate them for 24 hours with
1gallon of water, cut the yellow part of the peel from oft"
the white, and chop it fine ; macerate with 4f gallons of
alcohol, 95 per cent, for two weeks, or displace (see Nos.
4 and 5); then add a syrup made of 4^ gallons of water
and 16 lbs. of sugar.
Filter. (See No. 3.)
46. Bitters, Spanish.
5 ounces of
6 do.
8 do.
orris root.
21 do.
coriander-seed. , '
1 do.
3 do.
orange peel.
2 do.
German camomile flower.
Ground to coarse powder; macerate with 4J gallons of
alcohol, 95 per cent, (see No. 5); then add 5i gallons of
water, and 1^ ounce of sugar.
Filter. Color brown. (See No. 88.)
47. Bitters, Stomach.
' j
1lb. of cardamom seed.
1 do. nutmegs,
a do. grains of Paradise.
^ do. cinnamon.
do. cloves,
do. ginger.