Distil tbe 47^ i:)ints of alcohol from off the water, and
mix the 47^ pints flavored alcohol with 32^ pmts of fine
white plain syrup. (See No. 7.)
Filter if necessary. Color white.
36. Arrack.
21^ pints offine Batavia arrack.
58f do. pure 4th proof rice spirit.
J- ounce oil of cocoa nuts.
Filter. Color white.
87. Beaume Humain. (Balsam of Man.) •
23 drops of oil of roses.
54 do. do. cinnamon.
162 do. do. cedrat.
54 do. do. mace.
Dissolved in 27 pints of alcohol, 95 per cent.,then add
53 pints of fine white plain syrup. (See No. 7.)
Filter. Color white.
88. Bishop.
100 grains of ground nutmegs.
60 do. do. white pepper.
IJ ounce of cardamom seed,
li do. mace.
20 pints ofsyrup (plain white, see No. 7).
60 do. claret wine.
Mixed and boiled together for 1 minute. Filtered.
89. Bishop Extract.
l6|- lbs. ofground orange peel.
21 do. cinnamon.
21 do. cardamom.
10 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent. it;
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