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Jntro£turtion to !iquor.s anh Jllatafiag.

THE manufacture of these alcoholic beverages is

done, firstly, by distillation, by which method the finest

liquors are obtained; secondly, by extraction, and

thirdly, by simply mixing volatile extracts of plants to

cognac spirits, etc. They all contain larger or smaller

quantities of dissolved sugar, and various aromatic or

spicy ingredients.

Distillation is more complicated and troublesome

than the two other methods, but it secures products of

far higher fineness and value ; yet the requirement of

the apparatus necessary for manufacturing them

renders the application too difficult in a household ;

furthermore, a profound knowledge of chemistry, great

practice and dexterity are required ; therefore, this

manufacturing is better left to large establishments.

The best and most exquisite liquors of this kind are im–

ported from Dantzic, Breslau, Berlin, Stettin, Ham–

burg, Mannheim, Vienna, Trieste, Amsterdam, Italy,

Bordeaux, Paris, and the West Indies. The recipes to

manufacture the most famous among them are mostly

kept secret; moreover, the foreign ratafias may not

easily be imitated because many of the herbs and fruits

required for the purpose are not growing in this
