If a license holder fails to submit to the background check by a date
specified by ODE, the state superintendent shall send a written notice to
the license holder to advise that the license will be “inactivated” if the
person does not comply with the background check within fifteen days
of the mailing of the letter. The inactivation remains in effect until the
person submits fingerprints and written permission for the background
If a person holds more than one license, the following schedule will
If a person holds multiple licenses of different duration, the person is
responsible for the background check only when renewing the license of
the longest duration.
If a person holds multiple licenses of the same duration but with different
expiration dates, the license holder designates one of the licenses as
the “primary” license and notifies the department of education of this
selection. The department of education can request a background
check for the renewal of all of the licenses expiring on the same date.
An individual hired by a school district or ESC to teach adult education is
not required to have an additional background check if that person is
being hired only for “short term employment” and if the person has had a
background check within the last two years.
The background check is also required for any person hired by a school
district and not required to hold a license issued by the department of
education. (However, bus drivers are covered by a separate section of
law.) These non-teaching employees are also required to have the
background check repeated at least once every five years, and the
number of sets of prints submitted (i.e. one or two) is the same as for
licensed employees covered under Ohio Revised Code section
If an employee (other than a license holder) is convicted of or pleaded
guilty to: a felony; a violation of ORC 2907.04 or 2907.06 or of division
(A) or (B) of section 2907.07; an offense of violence, theft offense, or
drug abuse offense that is not a minor misdemeanor; or a violation of a
municipal corporation that is substantively similar to a felony, that
individual is ineligible for employment in the school district barring
For a complete list of such disqualifying offense, please se
e AppendixR.
A person who has been found eligible for intervention in lieu of
conviction or who has agreed to a diversion program is treated the same
as if the person has been found guilty or had pleaded guilty.
If a board of education “determines to build, repair, enlarge, improve, or
demolish any school building” with an estimated cost of $25,000 or
more, it must advertise and accept bids in accordance with the
specifications that it will make available to prospective bidders.
The advertising of the bids is in a newspaper of general circulation in the
district for not less than two consecutive weeks. However, if the board
posts the notice of the acceptance of bids on its web site, it may
eliminate the second advertised notice so long as the first notice:
is published at least 2 weeks prior to the opening of bids;
includes a statement that the notice is posted on the district’s