contract with another entity for this service. Another option is for the
board to request that the parent obtain the screening from another
provider selected by the parent.. The board must provide information
about the screening to the parents of all students subject to the
The children of parents submitting a written statement indicating that
they do not wish their children to be screened are not subject to the
As a result of the screening, the district must notify the parent of each
child screened of any health risks associated with the results of the
screening of that student and provide a list of resources that
appropriately address those risks.
Results of the screening are to be reported to the state’s director of
health as aggregated data for the entire district (i.e. not individual
schools) on the body mass index and weight status category. The
department of health may then publish the data aggregated by county.
Inducing panic involves initiating or circulating a report or warning of an
alleged or impending fire, explosion, crime, or other catastrophe when
the offender knows that the report or warning is false and when the
public place involved in the violation is a school. In such instances
involving schools, inducing panic is a felony of the second degree.
A board of education may submit requests to its electors for permission
to issue bonds for acquiring or constructing permanent improvements.
Following calculation by the county auditor of the estimated annual tax
required to retire the bonds (expressed in dollars and cents and in
millage), a board of education must file its resolution with the county
board of elections for the next general or primary election to be held not
less than 90 days and not more than 110 days after the date of the
adoption of the resolution. If instead the issue is to be considered at a
special election, the resolution must be adopted not less than 90 days
before that special election.
The board of elections must publish a notice of the election at least once
in a newspaper of general circulation in the district no later than ten days
prior to the election.
For Ohio Construction Facilities Commission (OCFC) projects, the
proposed bonds may be issued in more than one series in order to
“phase in” millage at the times that the borrowed money will actually be
needed. These sections of law prescribe the ballot language for both
the single and multiple series of bond issues.
A board of education may propose a bond issue to its electors for the
purpose of making permanent improvements. The resolution specifies
the amount of the bond issue, estimated rate, and maximum number of
years and must be filed with the county auditor, who “promptly shall
estimate and certify” the average annual tax rate required through the
maturity of the bonds to pay debt charges on the bonds.
Upon receipt of the auditor’s certification, the board must adopt a
resolution placing the issue on the ballot and identifying the date of the
special election for voters to consider the bond issue and tax. The
special election cannot be earlier than 90 days after certification of the
resolution to the board of education.
The board of elections must publish a notice of the election in a