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newspaper of general circulation within the school district once each

week for two consecutive weeks prior to the election.

As an alternative, the board of elections may provide an abbreviated

form of the notice for the second notice if the notice includes an address

for the web site of the newspaper, the school district, and the state’s

public notice web site. Any notice published on one of these web sites

shall be published in its entirety.


A board of education may borrow money and issue notes in anticipation

of the collection of current tax revenue. For current expense levies for a

fixed period of time, the tax anticipation notes are limited to 50% of the

anticipated proceeds for the remaining life of the levy (less an amount if

previous tax anticipation notes were issued.) For continuing levies, the

amount is limited to 50% of the estimated proceeds for the first ten years.

However, the notes must be issued between Election Day and the date

of the first tax collection of the new levy. For levies other than current

expenses, the tax anticipation notes can be issued at any time after the








The boards of education of any two or more school districts may, subject

to the approval of the superintendent of public instruction, enter into

agreements for the joint or cooperative construction, acquisition, or

improvement of any building, structure, or facility benefiting the parties.





A board of education shall prescribe rules and regulations for the

occupancy of school houses that will secure a fair, reasonable and

impartial use. Also, the board shall adopt a policy for the use of “school

premises” by the “general public.” Fees may be charged.

“School premises” are all indoor and outdoor structures, facilities, and

land owned, rented, or leased by a school or school district. The

“general public” is defined as members of the community, including

students during non-school hours and school employees when not

working in their scope of employment.

A board of education may rent or lease facilities under its control to any

public or nonpublic institution of higher education so long as the rental or

lease does not interfere “with the public schools of the district” nor is for

any purpose other than what is authorized by law.








Boards may build, enlarge, repair, and furnish schoolhouses, purchase

or lease sites to be used as playgrounds, or rent suitable schoolrooms

either within or without their districts.

If the board enters into a lease-purchase agreement, such agreement

shall be for a series of one-year renewable leases which together will

not exceed thirty years. The agreement shall provide that, at the end of

the series of leases, the title to the property shall be vested with the

school district or educational service center. The lease agreement may

provide the payment of a lump sum payment as a condition for obtaining

title to the leased property.

A governing board of an educational service center may acquire, lease,

lease-purchase, or enter into a contract to purchase, lease or lease-

purchase, or sell real and personal property and may construct, enlarge,

repair, renovate, furnish, or equip facilities for ESC purposes.

A board of county commissioners may issue securities (i.e., raise debt)

for an ESC to acquire facilities if the ESC agrees to pay an amount

equal to the debt charges.

