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Page Background

character, and “is qualified physically and otherwise for this position.”

The ESC governing board or the superintendent of any district shall

provide for an annual physical examination, which may be performed by

a person licensed in Ohio to practice medicine or surgery or osteopathic

medicine and surgery, a physician’s assistant, an Ohio certified nurse

practitioner, or an Ohio certified nurse midwife. (The superintendent of

the educational service center may perform this function for any of the

school districts with which the ESC has contracts pursuant to ORC

sections 3313.843 or 3313.845.) Any such physical exam must meet the

requirements of rules adopted by the state board of education.

The 10th District Court of Appeals has ruled that a school district could

terminate a bus driver’s contract if a DUI conviction resulted in: 1)

suspension of the bus driver’s certificate; 2) notice by the insurance

carrier that it would no longer insure the driver; and 3) notice by the

insurance carrier that the driver’s exclusion was a condition for

continued insurability.

Employers of school bus drivers must require a background check

(including both FBI and BCII results) upon employment of the drivers

and every six years thereafter. The subsequent background checks will

require only the FBI results if the bus driver has maintained continuous

residence in Ohio since the last background check.)

For additional information on driver eligibility, please see

Appendix D-1

Ohio Pupil Transportation Operation and Safety Rules an

d Appendix D-

2 Summary of Changes – Operation and Safety Rules.


The Department of Education by and with the advice and consent of the

director of highway safety shall adopt and enforce regulations relating to

the construction, design, equipment (including lighting equipment), and

operation of all school buses...operated by or in any school

this state. Every school district, its officers and employees, and every

person employed under contract by a school district shall be subject to

such regulations.

A copy of the Ohio Pupil Transportation Operation and Safety Rules is

located in

Appendix D-1.

A summary of the changes in the most recent

rules is also included as

Appendix D-2.

Section 4506.09 ORC provides for the Director of Highway Safety to

enter into an agreement with the Department of Education to administer

the skills test required by the Federal Commercial Motor Vehicle Act of

1986, at the ODE’s regional bus driver training centers.

Previously, the law had used the phrase “school bus” when referring to

bus regulations. However, House Bill 73 adopted by the 124th General

Assembly used the phrase “a vehicle used for pupil transportation.” As a

result, law now provided that “no person shall operate, nor the owner

permit operation of, a vehicle used for pupil transportation” unless all

school bus regulations (including driver qualifications) were met.

Naturally, that then extended to vans used to transport small groups of


The State Board of Education has adopted rules governing the

qualifications of the drivers of school vans. A copy of those rules

appears as

Appendix F.




School districts (other than a joint vocational or cooperative education
