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here was a time when environ-

mental sustainability practices

were relegated to environmental or-

ganizations. Only green groups, the

thinking went, had time to care about

costly and difficult sustainability mea-

sures that distracted from other orga-

nizations’ missions.

That time is over. Social benefit

organizations of all sizes and flavors are

embracing sustainable practices. Why?

Because environmental sustainability and

organizational sustainability are linked.

This is true for large and small sustainable

practices. For example, at more than half

of organizations recently surveyed, paper

documents create headaches for workflow,

collaboration, version control and auditing,

not to mention the costs of paper and

ink. Yet online document services are

cheap (sometimes free!) and easy to use.

Videoconference quality, options and cost

have improved dramatically in recent years,

allowing organizations to cut travel expenses

and employees to work from home. Office

cleaning products emit harmful chemicals

that increase employee sick days and

reduce productivity. Greener options are

now available, often at comparable prices,

especially when the savings from reduced

absenteeism are factored in.

Do you own your own building or office

space? Even more savings abound. Next-

generation programmable thermostats cost

about $200 each, but save anywhere from

$25-$41 per employee per year, without

affecting comfort. A building energy audit

can save $170 per employee per year by

identifying cost-effective ways to cut your

use. Better yet - make your own energy.

The cost of solar photovoltaic (electricity)

and solar thermal (hot water) systems has

dropped dramatically. New financing options

make these systems not just affordable, but

profitable, even for small organizations.

Many installers now offer no money down

and loans with 0% interest.

The most important reason for organizations

to care about sustainability, though, is more

fundamental to their long-term existence:

Millennials. In poll after poll, Millennials

show strong support for environmental

issues, including where they work. Since they

will soon be more than half of the workforce,

this matters. More than 80% want to work

for organizations that care about their impact,

and 75% say they would take a reduction

in salary to work for a more responsible


Many nonprofits will look at these figures

and think, We already provide social benefit

to the world - we’re doing enough to attract

their talent. But Millennials care as much

about what happens inside the company as

they do about what it does for the world. 64%

will not accept a job from an organization

that does not have significant corporate social

responsibility policies. 60% are committed

to implementing sustainability practices in

their work. Nearly 90% want their employer

Double Dividend Sustainability


to provide hands-on activities in the

workplace that support sustainability.

An equal number want their bosses

to share company progress and goals

toward greater sustainability.

Many also expect their employee

benefits to be green, too. Interest,

and choice, for sustainably-minded

investments are growing. Millennials are

leading the charge to divest portfolios,

including pensions and 403(b)s, from fossil

fuels. And as Millennials choose bikes and

buses and trains over cars, free parking is

no longer the perk it used to be. Bike racks,

transit subsidies and centrally located offices

are. Human resource officers, take note.

Managers, too, should take heed.The biggest

barrier Millennials report to implementing

sustainable solutions at work isn’t cost.

It’s the reluctance of their managers, who

are often Baby Boomers. Listen to your

employees. They’ll repay you with greater

loyalty, productivity and, ultimately, a more

sustainable organization in every sense.

Are Millennials’ green glasses a passing

fad? Not likely. Post-Millennials (so-called

Generation Z) report similar levels of

sustainability concern. That includes their

choice of employer. If organizations want to

ensure long-term health as the generational

balance shifts, embracing environmental

sustainability must be part of their strategy.

Kyle Gracey is a nonprofit professional who focuses on

Millennial issues. He served as the executive director

of two social benefit organizations, and joined his first

board of directors at age 24. He now serves on four

nonprofit boards of directors, where he is the chair of

three. Kyle is based in Pittsburgh.