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solicitors' offices were now operating a five day week

Saturday should be a

dies non

for the service of

court proceedings as Sunday is. The Council decided

that no general recommendation should be issued on

the subject but that the Society's representative on the

Superior Court Rules Committee should be asked to

enquire from the committee whether it would be

possible to introduce a rule providing that where the

last day for serving any document or taking any

steps expires on a Saturday, the period should be

extended so as to expire on the following Monday.

Lecture by a solicitor

Amember enquired if there would be any objection

to his delivering a lecture to a meeting of the Sup

eriors of certain religious orders on the subject of the

advantages or otherwise of incorporation for relig

ious communities for thepurposeofholding property.

Member would not be getting any fee for delivering

the lecture and if the lecture is published his name

will not appear over it. The Council on a report from

a committee stated that there would be no objection

to member giving the lecture referred to.

Costs of approving draft memorial of a lease

where the lease is registered by the

lessee's solicitor

A member acted for the lessors of property. A

new lease was negotiated and on the zist July, 1960

the agents for the lessor wrote to the lessee's solicitor

quoting the terms of the new lease and stating that

the lessee would be responsible for the costs of the

lessor's solicitor in connection with a new lease and

in connection with registering the same. The lessee's

solicitors agreed in writing to the terms of this letter

and in due course returned the draft lease approved

of and stated that they would have it registered on

their client's signature and would prepare a memorial

in due course. Member requested that a draft mem

orial be submitted for approval and the lessee's

solicitors refused to do this. Opinion 38 of the

Council states that it is the right of the solicitor for

a lessee, should he so desire, in the absence of

agreement to the contrary, to prepare the memorial

and register the lease at the expense of his client.

Opinion 39 states that where the memorial for

registering a lease is prepared by the solicitor for the

lessee, the solicitor for the lessor is entitled to be

paid by the lessee the costs of approving of and

obtaining the execution of a memorial under Schedule

II in addition to all other charges to which he may

be entitled. On the basis that the lessee's solicitors

were entitled to register the lease as there was no

agreement to the contrary the Council, on a report

from a committee, were of opinion that the lessee's

solicitors should submit a draft memorial for approval

by the lessor's solicitors and that the lessee was liable

for the costs of the lessor's solicitors of approving

the draft memorial, chargeable under Schedule II.



The above order was signed by the Minister for

Finance on the 23rd March, 1962 and it has effect as

regards applications made under Rule 2 of the

Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation)

Fees Rules 1920 made after the 3151 March, 1962

and as respects awards of and hearings before

arbitrators appointed pursuant to such applications

made after that date. The order revises the fees

chargeable for the services of the property arbitrator

appointed under the Acquisition ofLand(Assessment

of Compensation) Act 1919. The order is available

from the Government Publication Office, Henry

Street Arcade, Dublin (price 4d., postage 2d. extra.).



MITTEE) 1962

The above order was signed on the 29th March,

1962 and it fixes new minimum rates of pay as and

from the 9th April, 1962 for certain workers em

ployed in solicitors' offices. The order is available

from the Government Publications Office, Henry

Street Arcade, Dublin (price 9d., postage 2d. extra.)


In the CIRCULAR LETTER sent to all members with

the March issue of THE GAZETTE it was stated that

the recent Government White Paper on Law Reform

was available from the Government Publications

Office, price 4d. (postage 2d. extra.). This is not

correct as it should have read " price i/6d. (postage

zd. extra) ". Any members who have ordered and

have forwarded cash on the basis that the price was

4d. are requested to forward the balance in order to

enable the Government Publications Office to deal

with their orders.


The last meeting of the Society for the current

Session was held in the Royal Hibernian Hotel on

Monday 26th March, 1962 when the Earl of Long

ford, P.C., gave an address on " The Theory of

Punishment". In England,

there were approx

imately three times as many criminals as in Ireland, and

three times as many crimes were committed as before

the Second World War; there were no less than

29,000 convicted prisoners now. There were two

schools of thought—those who regarded punishment