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the letter written by the defendant's solicitor was

a sufficient note or memorandum in writing to

satisfy the Statute of Frauds.

Criminal Law—first offence.

In R.


Lloyd (October 30, 1961) the Court of

Criminal Appeal (Glyn-Jones, Elwes and Widgery

JJ.) held, dismissing an appeal against a sentence

of 12 months' imprisonment, that a first offender

cannot expect to be put on probation as a matter

of course ;

if the offence merits imprisonment in all

the circumstances then the sentencing court is fully

entitled to impose a prison sentence.

(The Guardian,

October 31, 1961.)

Evidence—expert witness.

In Clark


Ryan (1960) 103 Commonwealth L.R.

486 the High Court of Australia held that in an

action for damages for personal injuries caused by

a road accident, expert evidence tendered by a

witness purporting to be " skilled in the diagnosis

of road accidents " was inadmissible as the witness

was not experienced in the particular type of accident

concerned and the jury could have decided on the

factual evidence alone, unassisted by expert evidence.

An appellate court may reverse the decision of a

trial court as to the admissibility of expert evidence

where there is no evidence that the witness was

qualified as an expert or where the question of his

competency was decided upon erroneous




IN THE GOODS OF Madge McGrath, " Rushwee," St. Michael's

Road, Tipperary, Spinster, Deceased, who died at St.

Patrick's Hospital, Cashel, County Tipperary, on the I3th

Day of February, 1962.

Will any person having any information about a Will of

the above named Deceased, please communicate with Kieran

T. Flynn, Solicitor, Tipperary.


1891 AND 1942

Issue of New Land Certificate

Applications have been received from the regis

tered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed

hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in

substitution for the original Certificates issued in

respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule,

which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been

lost or inadvertently destroyed.

A new Certificate will be issued in each case,

except a case in respect of which notification is

received in this Registry within 28 days from the

publication of this notice, that the Certificate of

Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some

person other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on which such

Certificate is being held.

Dated the i£st day of March, 1962.


Registrar of Titles.

Central Office,

Land Registry,

Chancery Street,



1. Registered Owner, John Francis Regan. Folio

number 1837, County Longford. Lands of Aghna-

shingan containing 6a. 3r. 6p., and lands of Curry

containing i3a. zr. 3op., both situate in the Barony

of Moydow.

2. Registered Owner,

John Gately


Folio number 8309, County Roscommon. Lands of

Feevagh containing 3ia. 2r. 2jp., and lands of

Cartronkilly containing oa. 3r. 39p.

3. Registered Owner, Samuel Wilkinson. Folio

Number 9085, County Tipperary. Lands of Mac-

kanagh Lower containing y8a. 3r. 8p., situate in the

Barony of Clanwilliam.

4. Registered Owner, John Thomas Sainsbury.

Folio number nSLSD, City of Dublin. Plot of

ground with dwellinghouse

thereon known as

number 11 St. Anthony's Road, situate in the County

Borough of Dublin.

5. Registered Owner, Michael J. Condon. Folio

number 21604, County Cork. Lands of Ballymore,

containing 593. 3r. I4p., situate in the Barony of

Carberry East, East Division.

Printed by Cahill & Co.,


Parkgate Printing Works, Dublin.