ISPAM September 6 2014 Meeting - page 46

Decisions at ISPAM Annual Meeting
August 2014
ISPAM approved a motion to have ISOTC 34/SC 9 WG 3
review ISPAM comments at their meeting in Seattle in
November 2013 and finalize “broad range” claim of foods
and include the final definitions in the revision to ISO16140
parts 1 & 2
ISPAM decided to discuss on-site verification guidelines for
micro methods issues after ISOTC 34/SC 9WG 2 meeting
on Statistics, which will be discussing the topic
d d th t ISOTC 34/SC 9WG 3 t bli h
recommen e a
es a s
a NewWork In Progress (NWIP) on on-site verification
guidelines and report to ISPAM
Decisions at ISPAM Annual
Meeting on August 2014
Harmonizing Methods on
ISPAM agreed to work in concert with ISOTC 34/SC9
on future revisions to ISO Method 6579 on
with the goal of developing an internationally acceptable
method for the evaluation of
k i
i h ISOTC 34/S9
agree to wor n concert w t
develop optional protocols that will support the
equivalence of multiple reference methods.
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