my
friend
the
haberdasher.
He
is
a
good
whistler,-
and
his
shop
always
abounds
with
some
prime
articles
that
you
will
like
to
look
at.
.
.
."A
glass
or
two
of
wine
made
them
as
gay
as
larks,
and
a
hint
from
Jerry
to
Logic
about
the
whistler
brought
them
into
the
shop
of
the
latter
in
a
twinkling.
Hawthorne,
with
great
surprise,
said,
"
Where
are
we?
This
is
no
haberdasher's.
It's
a
"
"No
nosing,
Jerry,"
replied
Logic,
with
a
grin;
*'
you're
wrong,
the
man
is
a
dealer
in
tape."
whistling
shop
was
a
sly
grog-shop.
No
spirits
were
allowed
in
the
Fleet
prison,
but
of
course
they
were
introduced,
and
could
be
got
at
some
places.
The
method
of
telling
who
could
trusted,
was
for
the
customers
to
whistle
—
hence
the
term.