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wine or spirits, very gradually, and continually beating

the mixture in order


mix the ingredients thoroughly.

10. When preparing cold Punch, the bowl should be

placed in a ti n or me tal vessel about the same depth

as the height of the bowl, the space between the bowl

a nd the vessel being packed w i t h i ce , and a l i t t l e

r ock-salt sprinkled over the su r f ace, which has t he

efFect of producing a f r eezing mi x t u re, much colder

than the plain ice.

Towels may be pinned around the

exterior of the vessel, and the exposed surface of t he

ice trimmed with fruit or leaves, giving the whole an

attractive appearance.

ll. I n case brandy, whiskey, or other liquors are to

be Jrawn f o r use d i r ect f r on i t h e w o od , t h e cask

should be placed upon a skid, a substantial stand made

expressly for the purpose, and kept in a p l ace where

the temperature is moderote and uniform.

12. Bottles containing liquor shoulg be kept lying

down, in order to keep the corks moist, and prevent

the strength 4eing lost by evaporation.

18. Casks containg Ale or Porter should be tapped

before placing thein on t h e s k i d , and t hen a l l owed

sufficient time for the contente-I to settle and become

clear before using.

14. Champagne requires careful t r eatnient.

It is

not advisable to place more at a t ime on ice t han i s

likely to be used, because if removed from the ice and

again a owed to get wa rmer, a second icing i n j u r es

both tiavor and strength.

15. When champagne has been well iced,it requires

a good deal of care in handling the bottles; cold ren–

ders the glass brittle, and less able to w i t hstand t he

expansive pressure of the contents.

16. Bottles containing champagne, or any other brisk

wmes, must be kept l ay ing down ; i f i n a n u p r i g h t

H a v e l o c k T o b a c c o a '

Finest Quality.