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if this is not done the drink c annot be se rved suffi–

ciently hot to suit a fastidious customer. Besides, the

heating of the glass will prevent it from breaking when

the boiling water is suddenly introduced.


In p r eparing co ld d r i n ks

gr e gt

di s crimination

should be observed in the use of ice. A s a g eneral

r ule, shaved ice should be used when spirits form t he

principal ingredient of the drink, and no water is em–

ployed. When eggs, milk, wine, vermouth, seltzer or

other, mineral waters are used in preparing a drink, it

is better to use small lumps of ice, and t hese should

always be removed from the glass before serving to the

6. Sugar does not readily dissolve in spirits; t here–

fore, when making any kind of hot drink, put sufFicient

boiling water in the glass to dissolve the sugar, before

you add the spirits.

7' When making col d m i x ed-drinks i t i s u sually

better to dissolve the sugar with a l i t t l e cold water,

before adding the s p i r i t s . Th i s i s no t , h n w e ver,

n ecessary when a quantity of shaved ice is used. I n

making Cocktails the use of syrup has almost entirely

superseded white sugar.

8. When drinks are made with eggs, or milk, or both,

and hot wine or spirits is to be mi xed with t hem, the


must aln;ays

be poured'upon the

former gradually,

and the mixture stirred b r i skl y d u r i ng t h e p r ocess;

otherwise the eggs and milk will curdle. T h i s is more

particularly the case when l arge quantities of such

mixtures are to be prepared. Such drinks as "En~lish

Rum Flip," "Hot Egg Nogg" and "Mu l led Wine,"

are sure to be spoiled unless these precautipns are

9 . In preparing Mil k Punch or Egg N ogg i n

quantity, the milk or eggs should be poured upon the

Ha v e l o c k T o b a c c o a .

Dar k an dA r omatic.