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unwholesome e8'ect on the beer.





This exerts a continual pressure on the surface of the

beer, and prevents the gas from H.sino. To " g r eat an

amount of air-pressure should be avoided, because the

beer will be driven too forcibly through the t ap, and.

fill the glass with mor e f r ot h and l ess beer than a

thirsty drinker would care to pay for.

The air i n t h e c y l i nder should be dr awn f r om a

pure source, by means of a tube, if necessary-, leading

to the open air. Th e ai r i n a c e l lar o r even a c l ose

apartment is rarely pure, and would have a decidedly

26. Bottled Beer should be kept in a cool p l ace or

i n a r e f r igerator not i n con tact wit h t h e i ce . T he

bottles ought to stand upright, so that any sediment

will settle to the bottom. It is. therefore, not advisable

to pour the last dregs of the bottle into the glass.

27. Syrups are peculiarly at t r active to an ts, Aies,

and other insects; they should therefore, be kept i n

closely corked vessels; and, when in bo t t les for use,

be kept in a cool place, properly corked, a rubber

cork being most convenient, and the bottles standing

upright in water. I n t h i s manner the bottles will be

out of the reach of insects of every ki nd.

Ha v e l o c k T o b s c c o a .

Finest Qu a lity.