Fill glass one-third ful l o f s h aved ice, shake well,
and strain into a fancy cocktail glass, put the l emon
peel in the glass and serve.
The Ravor is improved by moistening the edge of
cocktail glass with a piece of lemon.
W'hisky Cocktail.
(Use small bar-glass.)
Take 8 or 4 dashes of gum syrup.
2 dashes of bitters (Boker's).
1 wine-glass of Loch Dt:u Whisky.
Fill one-third full of f ine ice; shake and strain in a
fancy red wine-glass, Put in a piece of twisted lemon
peel in the glass and serve.
Improved Whisky Cocktail.
Prepared in the same manner as the Improved
B randy Cocktail, by s u b s t i t u t ing Bo u r bon o r r y e
the brandy.
(Use small bar-glass.)
Take 3 or 4 dashes of gum syrup.
2 dashes of bitters (Bolzer's.)
1 wine-glass of Holland gin.
1 or 2 dashes of Curacoa
Fill the glass one-third full of shaved i0e, and strain
into a cocktail glass. T w i s t a small p i ece of l emon
peel, place it in the glass and serve.
Hsa~ e l o c k K 'o ~ c ~ a .
Darlt an 8 h r omatie.