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Take 3 or 4 dashes of OrgeaC, or «um syrup

8 dashes of Maraschino.

The juice of half a small lemon.

1 wine-glass of Holland gin.

Fill glass one-third full of shaved ice.

Shake well, strain into a large cocktail glass, and fill

up with Seltzer or Apollinaris water.

Mint Ju l ep .

(Use large bar-glass.)

Gin Daisy .

(Use small bar-glass.)


Take 1 table-spoonful of white pulverized sugar.

2 z' table-spoonfuls of water, mix well w i t h a

l~i wine-glass full of brandy.

Take three or four sprigs of f r esh mi nt , and press

them well in the sugar and water, until t he Aavor of

t he mint i s ex t r acted; ad.d the b r andy, and fill t h e

«lass with fine shaved ice, then draw out the sprigs of

mint and insert them in the ice with the stems down–

ward, so that the leaves will be above, in the shape of

a bouquet; arrange berries, and small pieces of sliced

oran«e on top in a t asty manner, dash with J amaica

rum, and serve with a straw.

The Real Georgia Mint Ju l ep.

(Use large bar-glass.)

zs wine-glass of Cognac brandy.

Take 1 tea-spoonful of wh ite powdered sugar.

H a ~ e l o c R T o b e e e o a ."


Dark and Aromatio.