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>~ pint of brandy.

Royal Punch.

(For a small party.)

Take 1 pint of hot green tea.

s' pint of Jamaica rum.

1 wine-glass of Curaqoa.

1 wine-glass of arrack.

Juice of two limes.

A, slice of lemon.

White sugar to taste.

1 gill of marm calfs-foot jelly.

To be drunk as hot as possible.

T his is a composition worthy o f a k i n g , and t h e

materials are admi rably b l e nded ; t h e i ne b r i a t i ng

effects of the spirits being deadened by the tea, whilst

the jelly softens the mix t ure, and destroys the acri–

mony of the acid and sugar.

The whites of a couple of eggs well beat up to a

f roth, may be substituted for the j e ll y where t hat i s

not at'hand.

If the punch is too st r opg, add more gr een tea to


Century glub Punch.

Take 1 pint of old Santa Cruz rum.

1 pint of old Jamaica rum.

o pintp of water.

With the addition of lemon juice and sugar to su i t

the taste, this makes a nice punch.

The precise portions of spirit and water, or even of

the acidity and sweetness, can have no general rule, as

scarcely two persons make punch alike.

Ha a e l o c R T o h a o o o s .

Finest Q uahty.