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April 2015



requirements will vary by year as most of the

saprolitic (oxide) material is free-digging, while

all of the unweathered material (sulphide/

fresh) requires drilling and blasting. Loading

will be done with a combination of excavators

and front-end loaders. Material will be loaded

into 50-t to 90-t capacity trucks depending

on the deposit’s location and pit size. Where

possible, material will be taken directly to the

plant but, at satellite deposits, material will be

placed in stockpiles near the pits. This material

will then be reclaimed with front-end loaders

and loaded into 50-t trucks and hauled to the

crushing facility.

Soft run-of-mine ore will initially be crushed

by a mineral sizer and passed through 18 mm

and 180 mm screens. The ball mill will grind

the feed into finer particle size (80 % passing

through a 106 µm screen) to enable gold recov-

ery via gravity concentration or carbon in leach

(CIL). Approximately 40 % of the gold is grav-

ity recoverable.

The main mill product will flow to the

CIL process but a select fraction of the mill

output will be separated and fed into a grav-

ity gold circuit applying centrifugal force to

concentrate heavy, gold bearing particles for

intensive leaching. Once leached, the gold

bearing pregnant leach solution will be piped

into an electrowinning cell. The gravity tails

will be returned to the mill stream.

The gold solids recovered from the gravity

and CIL circuits will be transported into the

secure gold room, where they will be smelted

at a high temperature to produce molten gold,

which will be poured into gold doré bullion

and shipped to a refinery.

The project is estimated to require an initial

2,6 MW of base load power to operate, with

5,6 MW installed power, and Hummingbird

intends contracting out the power generation

on a diesel rental basis. Installation of 1 MW

of solar PV power on a turnkey rental basis is

under consideration to reduce opex.

Summing up the project, Betts describes the

planned mine as being capable of turning a

profit in a varying gold price environment. “The

metallurgy of our resource is excellent, our

power requirement is low and we have a plen-

tiful supply of water. We have an experienced

team ready to start on construction and also

all funding – primarily a US$75 million debt

facility agreed with Taurus Fund Management

– in place. There really is no downside to the

project and we are looking forward to pouring

our first gold next year after a 12-month build

period,” he says.

While Yanfolila will be Hummingbird’s

first mine it is unlikely to be its last. The com-

pany also holds the Dugbe 1 gold project in

south-east Liberia which has the potential to

be bigger than Yanfolila. “Dugbe represents

a virgin discovery by our geologists and now

boasts a resource of just over 4 million ounces

of gold at an average grade of 1,4 g/t,” he says.

“This certainly ranks as Liberia’s biggest gold

deposit and, in fact, is impressive by global

standards. We completed a PEA in 2013 which

demonstrated the viability of a 20-year project

producing up to 125 000 ounces a year in its

early years and we’re now well advanced with

our DFS – which is currently under optimisa-

tion.” He adds that the DFS is being prepared

by a team of consultants led by South Africa’s

MDM Engineering.

In a significant development for Dugbe,

Hummingbird recently announced that it had

signed a collaboration agreement to embark

on the planning and development of a 20 to

30 MW hydro-electric power plant in the Dugbe

area. The agreement is with IFC InfraVentures,

part of the IFC Global Infrastructure Project

Development Fund, and energy company

Aldwych International. To test the viability of

the project, a Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) is to

be undertaken by Knight Piesold Consulting

(Vancouver) and should be completed by

April next year. The PFS is being funded by

IFC InfraVentures.

Comments Betts: “The hydro-project –

assuming it goes ahead – will not only enhance

the economics of Dugbe 1 by reducing the oper-

ating costs but will also act as a more general

Flowsheet for the Yanfolila

gold project.