144.
145.
Bum
Flip.
—
Which
Dibdin
has
immortalized
as
the
fixvorite
beverage
of
sailors
(although
we
believe
they
seldom
indulge
in
it)
—
is
made
by
adding
a
gill
of
rum
to
the
beer,
or
sub-
stituting
rum
and
water,
when
malt
liquor
cannot
be
pro-
cured.
The
essential
in
"flips"
of
all
sorts
is,
to
pro-
duce
the
smoothness
by
repeated
pouring
back
and
for
ward
between
two
vessels,
and
beating
up
the
eggs
well
in
the
first
instance
;
the
sweetening
and
spices
according
to
taste.
146.
Bum
Flip.
(Another
method.)
Keep
grated
ginger
and
nutmeg
with
a
little*fine
dried
lemon
peel,
rubbed
together
in
a
mortar.
To
make
a
quart
of
flip
:
—
Put
the
ale
on
the
fire
to
warm,
and
beat
up
three
or
four
eggs
with
four
ounces
of
moist
sugar,
a
teaspoonful
of
grated
nutmeg
or
ginger,
and
a
gill
of
good
old
rum
or
brandy.
When
the
ale
is
near
to
boil,
put
it
into
one
pitcher,
and
the
rum
and
eggs,
<fcc.,
into
another
;
turn
it
from
one
pitcher
to
another
till
it
is
as
smooth
as
cream.
147.
Ale
Flip.
Put
on
the
fire
in
a
saucepan
one
quart
of
ale,
and
let
it
boil
;
have
ready
the
whites
of
two
eggs
and
the
yolks
of
four,
well
beaten
up
separately
;
add
them
by
degrees