Sherry and Egg.
Beat the yolk of a new-laid egg y/ith a dessert
spoonful of icing sugar, add a wineglass of good
sherry and ten drops of syrup of cinnamon;
dust with nutmeg, and serve with fingers of
toast or sponge rusks.
Soda Nectar.
See page 6i.
Stimulant Mixture.
For Lowness of Spirits, Fainting.
To five ounces of peppermint water add two
ounces of orange syrup, half an ounce of car
bonate of ammonia, and one ounce and a half
of compound tincture of cardamoms ; shake
well. A tablespoonful to be taken occasionally.
Turkey Oyster.
See page 85.
Whisky Cordial.
Beat the yolk of a new-laid egg with a
dessert-spoonful of sifted sugar, add a quarter
of a pint of hot milk, add a wineglass of good
whisky, dust with nutmeg; serve with toast