Orange Gin.
Steep one ounce of dried orange-peel (equal
parts of Seville and China or Tangerine is pre
ferable) in one pint of gin ; let it remain for ten
days, strain, then add one ounce of syrup of
ginger and three-quarters of a pound of loaf
sugar; strain through paper, bottle, and cork
well. This makes a good tonic.
Orange Quinine.
To a pint bottle of ordinary orange wine add
ten grains of quinine in powder, cork well, and
let it stand for a few days. Awineglassful may
be taken occasionally as a tonic, or a pleasant
tonic drink may be made by adding a split
bottle of soda-water to half a wineglass of the
Orange mixture.
Peach and Honey.
See page 46.
Port Wine Mixture.
Half fill a wineglass with good brandy, fill up
with port wine, and grate a quarter of a nutmeg
on the top. This mixture is useful in cases of
diarrhoea, where there is much exhaustion.
Prairie Oyster.
See page 85.