HotRum,—(Use a hot %cater glass.)
1 or2lumps of loaf sugar,dissolve with a little hot water.
1 wine glass of Jamaica Bum. »
Fill the balance with hot water, stir up well with aspoon,grate
a little nutmeg on top and serve.
The genuine Jamaica Kum only should be used, in order t»
make this drink palatable.
HotSpiced Rum.—(Takea hot water glass.)
1 or 2lumps of loaf sugar.
14 tea-spoonful of mixed allspice; dissolve with a little
hot water.
1 wine glass of Jamaica Eum.
Fill up the balance of the glass with hot water, mix well and
grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.
Braudyand Ginger Ale.—("Use o large soda water glass.)
1 wine glass of Brandy.
2or 3smalllumps of ice.
Fill up the glass with Irish ginger ale.
St.Croix Crusta.—(Use a large bar glass.)
Take a nice clean lemon, the same size as your wine glass,
cut off both ends, and peel it the same as you would an apple,
put the lemon peel in the glass, so that it will line the entire
inside of the glass, dip the edge of the glass and the lemon
peel in pulverized sugar and mix as follows:
3 or 4 dashes of Orchard Syrup.
1 dash of Bitters.
14 glass of fine ice.
1 small dash of Lemon Juice.
2dashes of Maraschino.
1 wine glass of St. Croix Eum.
Mix well with a spoon, and strain into a wine glass, dress with
small iiieces of pineapple and strawberries, and serve.
Cliampagne Velvet.—("Use a large sized goblet.)
For this drink a bottle of Champagne and a bottle of Irish
Porter must be opened. It is mixed as follows:
Fill the glassJ4 full with Porter,the balance with Champagne.
Stir up with a spoon slowly, and you have what is called
Champagne Velvet, because it will make you feel within ashort
time as tine as silk.
It is rather an expensive drink, but a good one.