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Bottled Velvet.—r Use apunch howl.)

1 bottle of Moselle.

Yz pint of Sherry.

2 table-spoonfuls of sugar.

1 Lemon.

Peel tle'Sn Te'r'^t'S'n, using only sufficient of the

produce the desired flavor; add the other ingredients, stiam

and ice.

SodaNegus.—CUse asmallpunch bowl; about one quwrt.)

1 pint of Port Wine.

12lumps of white loaf sugar.

8 cloves.

Grated Nutmeg,sufficient to fill a small tea-spoon.

Put the above ingredients into a thoroughly clean saiicep^^^^

warm and stir them well, but do not suffer it to , P ,_

warm wine empty a bottle of plain soda water,

delicious and refreshing drink.

Brandy and Gum.—CUse a large whiskey glass.)

1 or 2dashes Gum Syrup.

1 or 2lumps ice.

, . . i. ,

Place a spoon in the glass, and hand with a bottle of brandy

to the customer.

Englisli Bisliop.—(Use a small punch bowl to make one


1 quart of Port Wine.

1 Orange (stuck pretty well with cloves, the quantity-

being a matter of taste).

Koast the orange before a lire,and when sufficiently brown,cut

in quarters, and pour over it a quart of Port Wine (previously

made hot), add sugar to taste, and let the mixture simmer over

the fire for half an hour.

Brandy Scaffa.—ffTse a Sherry glass.)

Y sherry glass of Raspberry syrup.

X sherry glass of Maraschino.

X sherry glass of Chartreuse(green). •

Top it off with Brandy,and serve.

This drink must be properly prepared to preventthe different

colors from running into each other,each mustappearseparate.