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INFORMS Nashville – 2016




Algorithms for Large-Scale Stochastic Programs

Sponsored: Optimization, Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Jikai Zou, Georgia Tech, 225 North Ave, Atlanta, GA, 30332,

United States,

1 - New Linear Algebra Strategies For Stochastic Programming

Nai-Yuan Chiang, United Technologies Research Center, 611 Silver

Ln, East Hartford, CT, 06118, United States,


Yankai Cao, Victor Zavala

We present a clustering-based preconditioning strategy for stochastic programs

within an interior-point framework on distributed memory machines. This

approach is unique in that the scenario clustering is applied at the linear solver

level, not at the outer NLP level, allowing for scenario clusters to change from

iteration to iteration. This approach allows one to build a small and sparse pre-

conditioner with fewer clusters, and then solve the full KKT system in parallel

using GMRES. We also describe the features of our implementation in C++,

demonstrate that high scenario compression rates of up to 94% can be obtained,

and that speedups of an order of magnitude are achievable.

2 - Optimization Driven Scenario Grouping

Kevin C Ryan, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,

United States,

, Shabbir Ahmed,

Santanu Subhas Dey, Deepak Rajan

Scenario decomposition algorithms for stochastic programs compute bounds by

dualizing all nonanticipativity constraints and solving individual scenario

problems. We develop an optimization problem that selects a set of

nonanticipativity constraints to re-enforce, placing scenarios into `groups’. We

show that the proposed grouping problem is NP-hard in general, identify a

polynomially solvable case, and present a mixed integer programming

formulation. Its effectiveness is demonstrated on a set of standard test instances

for two-stage 0-1 stochastic programs. The idea is extended to propose a finitely

convergent algorithm for two-stage stochastic programs with a finite feasible


3 - MIDAS: A Mixed Integer Dynamic Approximation Scheme

Andy Philpott, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand,

, Faisal Wahid, Frederic Bonnans

Mixed Integer Dynamic Approximation Scheme (MIDAS) is a sampling-based

algorithm for solving finite-horizon stochastic dynamic programs with monotonic

Bellman functions. MIDAS approximates these value functions using step

functions, leading to stage problems that are mixed integer programs. We provide

a general description of MIDAS, and illustrate it on some instances of revenue

maximization problems for hydroelectricity generators.

4 - Nested Decomposition Of Multistage Stochastic Integer

Programs With Binary State Variables

Jikai Zou, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United


Shabbir Ahmed, Andy Sun

We propose a valid nested decomposition algorithm for multistage stochastic

integer programming problems when the state variables are binary. We prove

finite convergence of the algorithm as long as the cuts satisfy some sufficient

conditions. We discuss the use of well known Benders’ and integer optimality cuts

within this algorithm, and introduce new cuts derived from a reformulation of

the problem where local copies of state variables are introduced. We propose a

stochastic variant of this algorithm and prove its finite convergence with

probability one. Numerical experiment on a large-scale generation expansion

planning problem will be presented.



Optimizing Chance-Constrained

Programming Variants

Sponsored: Optimization, Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Yiling Zhang, University of Michigan, Fleming Administration

Building, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, United States,

1 - Tight Formulations For Value-at-Risk Minimization Problems

Konstantin Pavlikov, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32611,

United States,

, Alexander Veremyev,

Eduardo Pasiliao

The problem of minimization of Value-at-Risk via MIP formulations with big M

constants is considered. Special emphasis is put to setting the tightest big M for

every scenario where it should be positive. We show that the problem of setting

the tightest possible M is equivalent to solving another instance of VaR

minimization problem. Moreover, we propose a specialized branch-and-bound

algorithm to solve the problem that dynamically updates big Ms during its

execution. Computational experiments are provided and discussed.

2 - A Two-stage Stochastic Program With Joint-chance Constraints

For A Hybrid Wind-conventional Generator System

Bismark Singh, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX,

, David Morton, Surya Santoso

We consider an application of a two-stage joint chance constrained stochastic

program with recourse to power generation. As a first stage decision we promise

an hour-by-hour firm energy output to the system operator. The conventional

generator serves as a recourse option which can be used if the uncertain wind

output is not large enough. We seek to ensure that with high probability our

promised energy output is met by this generator and wind combination. We

computationally investigate this joint-chance constrained model with recourse,

using data from Texas

3 - An Integer L-shaped Approach To A Stochastic Program With

Endogenous Uncertainty And Chance-constrained Recourse

Gabriel Lopez Zenarosa, Assistant Professor, University of North

Carolina at Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., Cameron Hall

242, Charlotte, NC, 28223, United States,

Oleg A. Prokopyev, Andrew J. Schaefer

We present a stochastic integer program with chance-constrained recourse for the

surgery scheduling and one-time rescheduling problem. Our goal is to provide an

approach for creating initial surgery schedules that afford agility in day-of-surgery

rescheduling so as to minimize the total expected operating-room

underutilization under probabilistic overutilization constraints. We use the integer

L-shaped method to iteratively refine the initial surgery schedule to enable

subsequent rescheduling of surgeries under the scenarios the initial schedule


4 - Solving 0-1 Semidefinite Programs For Distributionally Robust

Allocation Of Surgery Blocks

Yiling Zhang, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United


, Siqian Shen, Ayca Erdogan

We consider surgery allocation in operating rooms (ORs) under random surgery

durations. We minimize the cost of opening ORs and surgery assignments, while

restricting OR overtime risk via a distributionally robust (DR) chance constraint,

built on a moment-based ambiguous set. Following the conic duality, the DR

chance-constrained model is equivalent to a 0-1 semidefinite program, solved by

a cutting-plane algorithm. Alternatively, we optimize a less conservative 0-1

second-order conic program approximation. We test outpatient treatment

instances, and compare different approaches.



HPC in Optimization 2

Invited: High Performance Computing

Invited Session

Chair: Geoffrey Malcolm Oxberry, Lawrence Livermore National

Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States,

Co-Chair: Kibaek Kim, Argonne National Laboratory,

9700 Cass Ave, Lemont, IL, 60439, United States,

1 - Updates To PIPS-SBB: Distributed-memory Structure-aware

Presolve And Cut Generation

Geoffrey Malcolm Oxberry, Lawrence Livermore National

Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States,

Lluis-Miquel Munguia, Cosmin G Petra, Pedro Sotorrio,

Thomas Edmunds, Deepak Rajan

Deterministic equivalent formulations of stochastic MIPs from applications such

as unit commitment (UC) can exceed available memory on a single workstation.

To overcome this issue, we have developed PIPS-SBB, a distributed-memory

parallel stochastic MIP solver based on the distributed-memory parallel stochastic

LP solver PIPS-S. Our initial work focused on implementing a distributed-memory

B&B algorithm that parallelizes LP solves. To further improve performance, we

discuss implementing structure-aware variants of presolve methods and cuts, and

how these methods improve performance. Based on these results, we discuss a

path forward to solving large UC problem instances.
