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INFORMS Nashville – 2016




Advances in Mixed Integer Polynomial Optimization

Sponsored: Optimization, Global Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Akshay Gupte, Clemson University, O-321 Martin Hall, Clemson

University, Clemson, SC, 29634, United States,

1 - Exploiting Permutation Invariance To Construct Tight Relaxations

Mohit Tawarmalani, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,

United States,,

Jinhak Kim,

Jean-Philippe P. Richard

We construct the convex hull for a set that does not change when the variables

are permuted. We illustrate the technique by developing (1) convex hull of

matrices with bounded rank and spectral norms, (2) convex envelopes of multi-

linear functions over certain domains, and (3) a novel reformulation and

relaxation for sparse principal component analysis.

2 - Intersection Cuts And S-free Sets For Polynomial Optimization

Chen Chen, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States,

, Daniel Bienstock, Gonzalo Munoz

We develop an intersection cut for generic problems with closed sets. The cut

relies on a violation distance oracle and it can be computed in polynomial time in

the special case of polynomial optimization. Additional cuts are presented based

on S-free sets or convex forbidden zones; for polynomial optimization we adopt

the specialized term of outer-product-free sets. We provide some insight into the

nature of maximal outer-product-free sets and present two classes of such sets.

These two classes give intersection cuts that can be computed in polynomial time.

Furthermore, the associated intersection cuts can be strengthened in the case of

intersections at infinity.

3 - On The Strength Of Linear Approximations For

Multilinear Monomials

Yibo Xu, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, United States,

, Warren P Adams, Akshay Gupte

We analyze worst-case errors associated with approximating multi-linear terms

over bounded variables when using linear functions. The error associated with a

linear function at a given point is the absolute difference between the actual and

functional values. These errors turn out to be dependent on the variable bounds.

We identify “best” linear functions that yield the smallest worst-case errors for

various sets of bounds, and identify those points at which these errors are

realized. The errors favorably compare with those obtained by convex hull


4 - Iterative LP And SOCP-based Approximations To

Semidefinite Programs

Georgina Hall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States,

, Amir Ali Ahmadi

We develop techniques for approximating SDPs with LPs and SOCPs. Our

algorithms iteratively grow an inner approximation to the PSD cone using a

column generation scheme and/or a change of basis scheme involving Cholesky




Syngenta Crop Challenge in Analytics

Invited: Agricultural Analytics

Invited Session

Chair: Durai Sundaramoorthi, Washington University in Saint Louis,

Campus Box 1156, One Brookings Drive, Saint Louis, MO, 63130-

4899, United States,

1 - Hierarchical Modeling Of Soybean Variety Yield And Decision

Making For Future Planting Plan

Huaiyang Zhong, Stanford University,


Xiaocheng Li, David J Lovell

We introduce a novel hierarchical machine learning mechanism for predicting

soybean yield that can achieve a median absolute error of 3.74 bushels per acre in

five-fold cross-validation. Further, we integrate this prediction mechanism with a

weather forecasting model, and propose three different approaches for decision

making under uncertainty to balance yield maximization and risk.

2 - Balancing Weather Risk And Crop Yield For Soybean

Variety Selection

Ling Tong, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States,

, Bhupesh Shetty, Samuel Burer

We propose an optimization-based method to assist a farmer’s choice of soybean

varieties to plant in order to maximize expected yield while also managing risk,

where the primary uncertainty faced by the farmer is due to seasonal weather

patterns. By solving a sequence of MIPs, we calculate the efficient frontier

between the two competing objectives of maximizing expected yield and

guaranteed yield over all possible season types. The coefficients of the MIPs are

estimated using a multiple-linear-regression model and a Bayesian-updating

scheme applied to the training and evaluation data. Using the efficient frontier,

the farmer may choose an optimal solution that fits his/her risk-reward profile.

3 - Decision Assist Tool For Seed Variety To Provide Best Yield In

Known Soil And Uncertain Future Weather Conditions

Mehul Bansal, Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions,

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India,

Nataraj Vusirikala

The gap between agriculture produce and demand is ever increasing due to

growing world population. There is an urgent need for utilizing all possible

methods and technology solutions to bridge this gap. One of the key challenges to

increase the agricultural produce is the ability to take right decisions under

uncertain climate and weather conditions. In this paper we discuss a method to

provide decision assist to the farmer on the best variety of soybean seed to be

sown at the start of a season. In order to optimize the yield under uncertain

conditions, we use a combination of crop yield modeling, weather forecasting and

portfolio optimization techniques to suggest best combination of soybean seed

variety. The data used in this method is the historical soybean produce data and

the corresponding soil and weather conditions under which the yield was

produced, day-wise weather data (temperature, precipitation and solar radiation)

at farm sites from 2008 to2014. We recommend planting the following varieties

with the given percentages at site 2290 for year 2016: (i) 10% of Variety V107,

(ii) 35% of Variety V179, (iii) 10% of Variety V189, (iv) 10% of Variety V193, and

(v) 35% of Variety V46.



Optimization and Learning in

Biomedical Applications

Invited: Modeling and Methodologies in Big Data

Invited Session

Chair: Mengdi Wang, Princeton University, NY, United States,

1 - Latent Graphical Models For Mixed Data

Yang Ning, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States,


, Jianqing Fan, Han Liu, Hui Zou

Graphical models are commonly used tools for modeling multivariate random

variables. While there exist many convenient multivariate distributions such as

Gaussian distribution for continuous data, mixed data with the presence of

discrete variables or a combination of both continuous and discrete variables

poses new challenges in statistical modeling. In this talk, we propose a

semiparametric model named latent Gaussian copula model for binary and mixed


2 - Hierarchical Knowledge-gradient With Stochastic Binary

Feedbacks With An Application In Personalized Health Care

Yingfei Wang, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States,

, Warren B. Powell

Motivated by personalized health care problems, we consider the problem of

sequentially making decisions that are rewarded by ``successes’’ and ``failures’’

which can be predicted through an unknown relationship that depends on a

partially controllable vector of attributes for each instance. The learner takes an

active role in selecting samples from the instance pool. The goal is to maximize

the probability of success. Our problem is motivated by healthcare applications

where the highly sparsity makes leaning difficult. With the adaptation of an

online boosting framework, we develop a knowledge-gradient (KG) policy to

guide the experiment by maximizing the expected value of information.

3 - Approximate Newton-type Methods With Cubic Regularization

Saeed Ghadimi, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States,

, Tong Zhang, Han Liu

In this talk, we consider a class of second order methods for solving convex

optimization problems. In particular, we propose Newton-type methods with

cubic regularization when hessian of the objective function is not completely

available. Convergence analysis of these methods under different conditions like

stochastic setting are also presented.
