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CSR 2016 – Boskalis


At the same time at micro level, at the site of the actual intervention,

you can come up against specific social consequences that might be

negative if no measures are taken. In other words, it’s nearly always

about the general, common interest versus the individual interest.”


Berdowski: “The social impact of a project depends on the

location. Many of our projects take place in regions that

are virtually uninhabited, meaning that local community

engagement does not play a major role. But sometimes we

carry out dredging work in traditional fishing areas, and on

some of these projects we are asked to manage the local

social risks, for example by informing and consulting the

local stakeholders or seeing to it that the fishermen receive

reasonable and adequate compensation if this is appropriate.

Projects where we are able to handle such compensation

ourselves, in accordance with our own standards and in

line with international guidelines, generally go smoothly.

However, it does also happen that clients or local authorities

assume this role, in which case our influence is limited.”

Muller: “The question is always: who holds responsibility for the

social impact of a project? Is Boskalis given the space to get

involved? And so it is crucial to determine and clarify for each

individual project what our role is and what our responsibilities

are. This can be contractually agreed with the client, but may also


Berdowski: “This program emphasizes the importance Boskalis

attaches to the impact our projects can have on the environment,

and local communities in particular. This in itself is nothing new

for Boskalis. The program is the culmination of a process of many

years and reflects how we have developed and how we respond

to changing circumstances. For many years our dredging and

infrastructural projects have involved interventions in existing

environments. Two aspects come into play here: the impact on

the environment and the social impact. Consideration for the

environment is a feature that has become deeply embedded in our

organization, and something that we take into account right from

the initial design of a project. One of the results of our focus on

the environment is our successful Building with Nature program,

which involves us adopting the natural system as a basic design

principle. Our environmental experts at Hydronamic assess the

ecological aspects of a project and devise groundbreaking

solutions, such as coral relocation. But in addition to this the

realization has gradually grown – both among ourselves and

among financiers, credit insurers, governments, NGOs and other

stakeholders – that these interventions can also have a major

impact on the social environment. If you look at the social

component of projects you can conclude that the impact of our

projects at macro and at meso-level is almost always positive:

our interventions generally enhance the safety and prosperity

of the surrounding area.

In 2016 Boskalis launched a social impact program.

The main objectives of this initiative are:



To increase awareness of our social impact and the

applicable international frameworks within the company.



To develop a standard evaluation mechanism to identify

projects in the tender phase that have a (potential)

higher risk profile.



Consistent application of our social impact principles

and procedures on projects.

CEO Peter Berdowski and Lara Muller, director of Public

Affairs, talk about the how and why of the approach.