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CSR 2016 – boskalis


be influenced by international rules such as the OECD guidelines

and our own business principles.”

Berdowski: “Our presence when constructing new infrastructure or

reclaiming land is relatively brief but many of these projects have a

lasting impact. We are temporary guests in a local community, and

it is in everyone’s interest that we cooperate effectively with all parties

involved. As a company we want to approach the consequences

at micro level with due care, insofar as we are able to influence

these. We want to do so in a decent and responsible way, taking

into account the international rules. This is consistent with the

internal and external reputation of our company, and also allows

us to show our employees what kind of company we are.”

Distinguishing factor

Berdowski: “It goes without saying that it takes time and effort to

develop and embed a company-specific method. But with a good

social impact program Boskalis can create a competitive edge.

“As a company we want to approach


a decent and responsible way, taking

into account the international rules.”

Positioning ourselves as a company that is experienced at

managing the social impact of a project will also enable us to

provide clients with advice and practical support. Our aim is

to gain the support of the local communities for our projects.

Creating support and removing resistance also reduces failure

costs. In a way you can compare this development to our earlier

efforts with regard to Building with Nature: something we initially

also put a lot of extra energy into and are now reaping the benefits

of. I expect that a growing number of our clients will come to view

a responsible social impact approach as a license to operate, a

requirement that contractors have to meet. This development is a

good fit with our organization, which evolved from a technical

background into environmental engineering. And now we are

adding social engineering. The approach could be described

as Building with Society, because here, again, we are proceeding

on a value-based philosophy. In our experience the social

impact of our projects is greatest on infrastructural works and

dredging projects.”

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