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CSR 2016 – Boskalis


Practical tools

Muller: “At Boskalis we already have many social impact initiatives, but these tend to

be at project level. Now we are working on a coordinated, company-wide approach.

The program was initiated by a steering committee, which started by mapping the

existing situation. Phase one involves establishing the ‘as is’ situation and determining

which current and forthcoming projects require special attention. We are covering the

entire spectrum, i.e. all projects around the world. Following on from this we are

working on formulating and defining the details of the ‘to be’ policy, partly based on

best practices. We are doing so by creating awareness and developing training

programs, so that this topic becomes a fixed element for colleagues on projects. We

focus on employees who are involved in tender processes and execution, but also for

example on finance and treasury colleagues. Social impact issues differ from project

to project and there are no ‘one size fits all’ solutions. In each situation employees

need to think about their role and the responsibility they want and are able to take at

both project and corporate level. The program is a structured way of offering practical

tools to enhance knowledge and awareness in this area. Our ultimate goal is that our

colleagues come to view this topic as a natural part of their work.”

Enthusiastic reception

Muller: “It is great to see how positive and enthusiastic the response of our colleagues

to the program is; it is clearly meeting a need. Obviously a lot was already being

done in this area on various projects, but it is a topic that people at Boskalis feel

strongly about and want to take further. What the colleagues mainly want to know is

how they can operate within which frameworks and limitations and these are the

frameworks we are now developing.”

Berdowski: “A program such as this is strongly consistent with the Boskalis tradition, in

which we are used to showing respect towards other cultures. Many of our colleagues

are curious about local traditions and are open to them – otherwise they probably

wouldn’t be working here. This program will help us to operate more effectively at

a local level and create the value that the client and the community require of us.”

NINA safety training to local people

on a project in Java, Indonesia.