Environmental Impact
CSR 2016 – Boskalis
Ecosystem services valuation
Ecosystem Services (ES) is a term used to denote the benefits that
humans derive from nature. Using an ecosystem services valuation
model to monetize the value of an ecosystem allows stakeholders
to weigh the ‘natural capital’ against the economic and social
benefits. While a large number of scientists are working on this
concept, translation into practice is sorely lacking.
Since dredging contractors already implement Building with Nature
solutions in projects which reflect a deep concern with ecosystem
preservation, taking the next step to an ES approach is a natural
progression. In 2016 the International Association of Dredging
Companies (IADC) commissioned the study ‘Ecosystem services:
Towards integrated marine infrastructure project optimization.’
The study was conducted by the University of Antwerp, with a
specialist in ecosystem services. Boskalis participated in a group
of experts from the dredging industry which was actively involved
throughout the study to provide input and discuss intermediate results.
The findings of the study have been presented in a report, which is
available for download from the IADC website. The report explains
the general concept of ecosystem services and the overall
considerations on its use in the context of dredging projects.
The ES concept is complicated and its implementation even more
so. Clearly, research into valuing ecosystems and biodiversity and
the relationship between the two is only just beginning.
Salvage and wreck removal
Through SMIT Salvage (salvage and wreck removal) we provide
assistance to shipowners with vessels in distress and seek to avert
potential major environmental disasters. We employ solutions that
take the environment and natural surroundings into consideration.
Wreck removal operations always take place in cases where a
wreck is obstructing safe navigation or presents an environmental
hazard. We use advanced technology and expertise to remove
potentially hazardous substances such as bunker fuel and cargo
from wrecks, and have a successful track record in salvaging
vessels and platforms under challenging circumstances.
SMIT Salvage attended to more than 50 marine casualties in 2016.
The spectacular salvage operation of the ro-ro carrier Modern Express
in the Bay of Biscay and the refloating of the containership CSCL
Indian Ocean on the Elbe River received a lot of media attention.
For more information on the
salvage of the Modern Expressplease
refer to our online magazine
Salvage of the ro-ro carrier
Modern Express.