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CSR 2016 – boskalis


Taskforce Eco-Engineering

We aim to realize at least one Building with Nature project a year.

Building with Nature solutions can only be applied successfully if

our clients are prepared to embrace the concept and take on

projects. To date, it has been mainly our clients in the high-end

segment of the market who have been open to doing so. However,

we actively promote the concept to all our clients, with the Taskforce

Eco-Engineering playing a leading role in this respect.

In addition, the Taskforce discusses, coordinates and shares

knowledge and successes, as well as promoting internal awareness

of the Building with Nature program within the divisions. This enables

opportunities for projects and initiatives to be identified at an

early stage, as well as creating a platform within the company.

Chaired by a member of the Board of Management, the Taskforce

includes representatives of both Boskalis’ in-house engineering

department Hydronamic and senior managers.

Building with Nature projects in 2016

As an EcoShape partner Boskalis is involved in a

five-year project


halt coastal erosion in Java, Indonesia. The coastline in the Demak

district has been retreating at an alarming rate and as it is home

to some 70,000 residents, so urgent action is needed. The

integrated project aims to turn the tide through a unique

combination of mangrove restoration, small-scale engineering,

education of the local community and sustainable land use.

In 2016 we also started work on the

Marker Wadden


restoration project and executed the Griend nature preservation

project. In addition, we continued to work on the pilot project


3D printed reefs

in Monaco.

All these projects feature prominently in our online magazine



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