CSR 2016 – boskalis
with the potential of a significant reduction in emissions. Biofuels
are currently not part of the marine fuel mix that operators
and shipowners can choose from. This means that shipping is
missing an opportunity to utilize what could be an attractive,
environmentally-friendly fuel option.
At the moment, all commercially available biofuels suitable for diesel
engines are produced from oils and fats. As the consortium only
believes in truly sustainable biofuels, the fuels tested in the program
are produced from waste and residue streams, and no primary
vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil or palm oil are used.
Qualifying biofuels are selected on three criteria: firstly,
technological match with marine application; secondly, top-notch
sustainability performance; and thirdly, possibility of large-scale
production. Furthermore, the aim for the biofuels is to be of a
‘drop-in’ quality, ensuring current operations can remain in place,
allowing all parties to continue business as usual. Any biofuel
that meets these criteria will be considered.
The consortium believes that these biofuels have a viable role to
play in reducing emissions that no other fuel can currently achieve,
without a capital-intensive fleet renewal or retrofitting expenses.
Aside from the advantages of a ‘drop-in’ biofuel as described
above there are also operational considerations for Boskalis.
Boskalis vessels operate around the world and do not have fixed,
regular ports of call. Vessels are commonly deployed for
prolonged periods of time at remote locations with very limited
infrastructure. The current LNG bunkering network is too limited
to guarantee global sourcing. A drop-in biofuel will give us the
flexibility to bunker the fuel when it is available, and to fall back
on fossil fuel when there are no other alternatives.
Currently the focus of the program is on Marine Gas Oil (MGO)-type
Cutter suction dredger Edax operating on
biofuel on the Marker Wadden project.