ESTRO 36 2017
For the majority of ion chambers in SW phantom CFs were
up to 1.01, except of the IBA CC01 were a correction of 4%
is needed mainly due to perturbation of the high density
central electrode. Regarding ABS phantom larger
corrections are needed up to 1.05 for IBA CC01 and CC13
and up to 1.02 for PTW 31010 and Exradin A1SL, attributed
to the different orientation of the detectors in GK PFX
stereotactic space.
An experimental procedure is proposed for the
determination of CFs for the GK PFX radiosurgery unit and
CFs were determined for a set of ion chambers allowing
for accurate dosimetric measurements.
Acknowledgement: This work was financially supported by
the State Scholarships Foundation of Greece through the
program “Research Projects for Excellence IKY/SIEMENS”.
EP-1439 Small field dosimetry: preliminary
characterization of a nano-chamber with a focus on
stem effect
A. Stravato
, G. Reggiori
, P. Mancosu
, F. Lobefalo
, L.
, F. Zucconi
, V. Palumbo
, S. Tomatis
, M.
Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Department of radiotherapy
and radiosurgery, Rozzano Milan, Italy
Purpose or Objective
Micro and nano-chambers cannot be as small as solid state
detectors but present some advantages in terms of energy
independence and absolute dose measurement that make
them fundamental for small field dosimetry in the SBRT
scenario. A preliminary characterization of a nano-
chamber prototype (Razor Nanochamber, IBA) was carried
out with a particular focus on stem effect. Response under
10 MV FFF beams was observed too.
Material and Methods
The study included characterization of leakage, dose rate
and dose per pulse dependence, measurement of small
beam profiles, and depth dose curves. Profiles were
acquired both in orthogonal (i.e chamber axis orthogonal
to beam axis) and parallel (i.e chamber axis parallel to
beam axis) configuration. Ten repeated inline profile
measurements were performed in head-foot and foot-
head direction to better quantify the stem effect. Ion
collection efficiency and polarity effects were measured.
The values of P
were verified with
(Jaffé plots). The 6 MV and 10 MV FFF photon beams of a
Varian EDGE were used. Output factors for small fields
were compared with Razor Diode (IBA) and FOD scintillator
The 2mm diameter guarantees a very high spatial
resolution comparable to some commercially available
diodes, with penumbra values 0.5-0.8mm larger than
those measured with a Razor Diode for the same fields
(Figure 1). When used with the chamber axis
perpendicular to the beam axis a strong stem (and cable)
effect was observed leading to asymmetric inline profiles
for small fields. Furthermore a difference was observed
between profiles performed in head-foot or foot-head
direction (Figure 2). Dose rate dependence was found to
be <0.3% while dose per pulse dependence showed an
increasing trend but still <0.6% for a maximum dpp of 0.2
cGy/pulse. At the nominal operating voltage of 300 V the
Razor Nanochamber exhibits a field size dependence of
the polarity correction > 2% between the 1x1cm
and the
field. The OF values were compared with diode
and scintillator measurements and show a good agreement
for fields >20x20 mm
. For smaller fields the volume effect
is huge and leads to strongly underestimated values.
Razor chamber is an interesting option for small field
measurements. Its use in orthogonal configuration raises
some stem effect issues evident when measuring inline
profiles. More measurements are required in order to fully
characterize this ion-chamber.
EP-1440 Monte Carlo determination of scintillator
quenching effect for small radiation fields
G. Valdes Santurio
, C. E. Andersen
Technical University of Denmark, Nutech, Roskilde,
Purpose or Objective
Fiber-coupled organic plastic scintillator detectors are
excellent for measurement of the absorbed dose to water
in small MV photon fields. This is mostly because their
small active volume and their high degree of water
equivalence result in an almost negligible perturbation of
the radiation field. However, plastic scintillators are less
ideal when we consider the signal generation and the
signal detection. For the signal generation, it is known
that the light yield per absorbed dose for electrons below
100 keV produces less light than electrons with higher
energy which is the so-called ionization density
quenching. The objective of this work was to investigate
the potential implication of this quenching effect for
output factor measurements in small 6MV photon beams.
Monte Carlo modelling was used to compute changes in
light production for different field sizes using Birks
formula applied to electrons.
Material and Methods
The quenching effect can be predicted by the Birk´s
formalism which relates the amount of light per distance
travelled by a given particle to the ionization density from
that particle as expressed by the collision stopping power
of the medium (dE/dx). This formalism introduces the
quenching parameter (
), which describes that the light
produced by low energy electrons is not proportional to its
deposited energy. We implemented Birks formula in a
modified version of the application egs_chamber which is
part of the EGSnrc Monte Carlo system. The modified
application scored the light output over the absorbed dose
for each field size. This ratio will gives us how much the
quenching effect affects for that specific field size and
therefore, differences of the quenching effect when
changing the field size can be estimated. Moreover, this
ratio will give us how much the scintillator output factor
changes when the quenching effect is taken into account.
We computed light yields for square field sizes down to
with 10x10cm
as reference.
The light output over the absorbed dose was calculated
for all field sizes. The uncertainty of all values was less
than 0.5%. Figure 1 shows the normalized scintillator light
output per dose for all field sizes and their respective
uncertainties (1 standard deviation). The straight line
represents the mean of all the obtained values and the
dashed lines represent 1% of deviation with respect to the
reference. As can be deducted from the figure, all the
ratios fell inside the range of +/- 1% of the deviation
respect the reference.