ESTRO 36 2017
Planning and delivery of IMRT/VMAT has been validated
using TG119 report. Local institutional confidence limits
were established which can be used as baseline for future
patient specific quality assurance.
EP-1499 Additional dose of Image Guided Radiation
Therapy in Pediatric Patients
J. Topczewska-Bruns
, T. Filipowski
, D. Hempel
, B.
, R. Chrenowicz
, D. Kazberuk
, A.
, E. Rozkowska
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of
Radiotherapy, Bialystok, Poland
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Physics,
Bialystok, Poland
Purpose or Objective
Kilovoltage cone beam computed tomography (kV CBCT)
imaging improves the accuracy of radiation therapy.
However, an extra radiation dose is delivered to cancer
patients. Instead of default scanning protocol used for
adults we prepared individual presets for children
undergoing radiotherapy in our Department. The aim of
the study was to evaluate additional dose delivered to the
pediatric patients being treated according to local
protocol for IGRT.
Material and Methods
10 children, aged 2-6 years with different type of
neoplasms were
treated in supine position on linear
accelerator (Elekta Synergy) equipped with kV CBCT (XVI
v.4.2.) The pretreatment position was evaluated
according to our protocol on day 1,2,3 and once in a week
thereafter. The individual presets for pediatric patients
were prepared for different types of neoplasms and
localization of the irradiated area For dose calculation
delivered by use of kv CBCT the phantom PMMA 20x20x12
and 16x16x16 with CT chamber TM30009 (PTW) with
Unidos (PTW) was used.
The modification of IGRT protocols for children includes
changes in the acquisition parameters such as
frequency, beam energy, voltage, rotational degree,
gantry speed, size of field of view, filter with good
quality of images (examples of images from the date
obtained by collecting of kV CBCT will be presented on the
poster) . The following presets were prepared (Tab.1).The
additional dose deliverd to the pediatric patients depends
on the number of fractions when the CBCT was
performed. Our local protocol for usage of kV CBCT results
in delivering of additional dose of 2,52mGy (4 fr. in
protocol A) or 2,92mGy (4 fr. in protocol B) for elective
brain irradiation in ALL, 3,55 mGy (5 fr. protocol F)
for left sided nephroblastoma 3,4 mGy (5 fr. protocol D)
or 3,8mGy (5 fr. protocol C) for right
sided nephroblastoma, 17,6 mGy (8 fr. protocol E) for RMS
in pelvis and 3,45 mGy (5 fr. protocol G) for LGL.
The additional doses of kV CBCT depends on the type of
presets used in procedure and number of fractions with
IGRT during all treatment. The modified presets enable
reducing exposure to irradiation so that IGRT – associated
doses seems to be clinically acceptable. However the
children’s anthropomorphic phantom is needed to further
evaluate exposure of normal healthy tissue to irradiation
during colleting the date for IGRT.
EP-1500 Application of RayStretch in clinical cases:
Heterogeneity corrections in LDR prostate
J. Vijande
, F. Ballester
, J. Perez-calatayud
, F. Hueso-
, F. Siebert
Universitat de Valencia Dep. de Fisica Atomica-
Molecular Y Nuclear, Atomic Molecular and Nuclear
Physics, Burjassot, Spain
University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe, Physics
Section- Radiotherapy Department, Valencia, Spain
Target Systemelektronik GmbH, Wuppertal, Germany
UK S-H- Campus Kiel- Klinik für Strahlentherapie,
Radioonkologie, kiel, Germany
Purpose or Objective
Tissue heterogeneities and calcifications have significant
impact on the dosimetry of low energy brachytherapy
is an analytical algorithm developed in
our institution to incorporate heterogeneity corrections
in LDR prostate brachytherapy. The aim of this work is to
study its application in clinical cases by comparing its
predictions with the results obtained with TG-43 and
Monte Carlo (MC) simulations.
Material and Methods
A clinical implant (71 I-125 seeds, 15 needles) from a real
patient was considered. On this patient, different
volumes with calcifications were considered. Its
properties were evaluated in three ways by i) the
Treatment planning system (TPS) (TG-43), ii) a MC study
using the Penelope2009 code, and iii)
. To
analyse the performance of
, calcifications
located in the prostate lobules covering 11% of the total
prostate volume and larger calcifications located in the
lobules and underneath the urethra for a total occupied
volume of 30% were considered. Three mass densities
(1.05, 1.20, and 1.35 g/cm
) were explored for the
calcifications. Therefore, 6 different scenarios ranging
from small low density calcifications to large high density
ones have been discussed.
DVH and D90 results given by
agree within 1%
with the full MC simulations. Although no effort has been
done to improve
numerical performance, its
present implementation is able to evaluate a clinical