Course Calendar 2017–18
ii. The teacher will inform the student of his/
her concerns and provide the student with the
opportunity to respond to these concerns.
iii. The teacher will inform the parent of the
incident and of the consequences.
iv. The teacher can either, or in combination, assign
a mark of zero, assign a penalty, pro-rate the
value of the assignment, have the student revise
the assignment in whole or in part or, have the
student complete another assignment.
v. The teacher will file a record of the incident with
the Head of Junior School or VP School Life,
Operations & Student Wellness, as appropriate.
7. Failure to Comply with the Havergal
College Code of Conduct
All members of the Havergal community are responsible
for observing both the letter and the spirit of the Havergal
College Code of Conduct. Havergal reserves its right
to apply a full range of sanctions (listed below) to any
offence committed by a student. In addition, it is not
necessary that a student succeed in actually committing
an offence for the full range of sanctions to be applied.
For example, an attempt to cheat on a test may be just as
serious as actually cheating on a test.
In determining whether an offence has been committed
and what sanction(s) should be applied, Havergal College
will employ procedures that:
reflect the severity of the offence alleged;
ii. ensure that a student, and her parents as
required, are aware of the complaint against the
iii. ensure that a student, and her parents as
required, have the opportunity to present fully
and fairly their version of events and explanation
and to have these taken into account by the
iv. ensure that the decisions will be made in a fair
and impartial way; and
v. document completely and accurately all aspects
of the process and decision.
Investigation and Documentation
The general procedure that Havergal will observe to
investigate and address any reports of breaches of the
Havergal College Code of Conduct is as follows:
The teacher who observes or learns of the
incident/behaviour will report it as soon as
possible to the VP School Life, Operations &
Student Wellness or Head of Junior School.
ii. The Head of Junior School or VP School Life,
Operations & Student Wellness will collaborate
with the Assistant Head (Junior, Middle, Senior)
or Head of Boarding in investigating the alleged
breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct.
iii. The investigation will include an interview with
all those who are alleged to be involved in order
to determine degree of involvement, facts and
related issues.
iv. As part of the investigation, a student will be
provided with an opportunity to explain her
conduct, respond to the allegation and be heard
regarding the student’s position with respect to
the incident/behaviour in question.
v. The school will document all discussions and
interviews undertaken by its employees.
vi. After initial interviews, the students, and parents
as required, will be informed of the facts as
determined during the investigation.
vii. Initial interviews may conclude the process or
indicate that further investigation is required.
viii. If a student denies an allegation and a matter of
credibility arises, the student and her parents
will be given an opportunity to meet with the
VP School Life, Operations & Student Wellness
or Head of Junior School who will make the
discipline determination in order to present
her version of events, including mitigating
circumstances; test or challenge the evidence
against the student; and make a submission as
to possible sanctions.
ix. Depending on the outcome of the investigation,
the VP School Life, Operations & Student
Wellness or Head of Junior School may
determine that one or more sanctions are
warranted. Depending on the severity of the
incident/behaviour, other administrators may
collaborate in determining the nature of the
x. Communication with the student, and parents
as required, will clearly indicate the breach in
the Havergal College Code of Conduct and the
consequences for infractions.
xi. Where a number of students are involved in a
breach of the Havergal College Code of Conduct,
any written communication from Havergal
College will ensure confidentiality of individual
students by relaying only those circumstances
relevant to the student who is receiving the
written communication.