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Revised 8/2016

Now Featured in the MMS

If I conduct face-to-face trainings, can I record those

scores and completions on the MMS?

Yes, starting in the fall of 2010, District officers and above

can go under a member’s training profile and add a club

officer training and a date taken. Once you hit “update” it

shows as a completed training and does not differentiate

between face-to-face and on line training.

Who can delete a training record?

The same people who can

create a record, district officers

and above. Before the record is

completely deleted, the operator

is asked, “are you sure?”

I like the CBT material but

all of our officers don’t have

access to computers. Is the

material available in another


Each district’s Leadership Development Coordinator (or

District Governor – depending upon who received the

training material shipment) has a CD with the CBT material

presented as PowerPoint slide shows. They also have hard

copies of each test. Feel free to show the slide shows in a

group setting and distribute the tests as another option for

offering training. Test keys showing the correct answers are

also provided to LDCs but they should


be distributed to

others as it would provide an unfair advantage to anyone

using them to take the CBT test modules on line.

How often must I renew my training?

The requirements for being a Blue Ribbon Club are that

club officers review training material every year. Therefore,

to be in compliance with these requirements, even if you

are repeating a club office, your most recent training date

must fall between the time you took office in the fall and the

next March 1. When you take the training a second time,

both dates show on your training profile.

The training I need isn’t available on the MMS yet?

Modules are being developed every year – if the office you

hold doesn’t have an MMS module available this year, it

may have one in the near future. You can check back from

time to time to see. District officer modules are coming soon.

What is contained on each module on the CBT?

Part I – Duties of the Specific Office

Part II – Ruritan Calendar Year and Meeting Procedure

Part III – Sample Ruritan meeting information

Part IV – Ruritan Child Protection Policies

Keep Track of Service Hours on the MMS

Did you know that the Member Management System

(MMS) has a method for tracking your service hours? Club

projects can be set up by one club member and then under

each club member’s information and hours can be tracked.

NOTE: Create the project ONE TIME under ONE member

and it will show up under all the other club members. The

member can personally enter the data or club officers can

go into each member’s records

and update the information.

Later – the club officers can pull

a report of projects and hours

based on any date range. The

key is to get all of the hours

into the MMS under each

volunteer/members’ name.

Club Officers Can Update Their Club

Information on the MMS

Did you know that YOU can keep your club meeting,

location, and website information current? That’s right, club

officer’s can review their club information page and make

sure the meeting times, locations, etc. are current. There is

even a place for GPS coordinates (which can be obtained

through Google maps or some other on line program).

And if you provide a link to your club webpage – it will

AUTOMATICALLY populate the list of club sites on


To get to the club info page click on the club

name in the upper right corner of your club’s MMS page.

Who Are My Club and District Officers?

Make sure every new club member is introduced to the

MMS soon after joining. He or she can review information

and make sure e-mail addresses, phone numbers, military

service, spouse’s name and other important information is

updated. As soon as you add a newmember – if you include

an e-mail address – they will be sent an e-mail with their

log-on information for the MMS. Once they are on their

i n f o r ma t i o n

page – an icon

allows them to

see all of their

club, district

and national
