Police World
Vol 58 No.1 2013
Caravan and Camping look back on a Great Year...
he Caravan and Camping Group
organised several successful rallies
in 2012.
Staffordshire Branch held the 5
Ice Cream Rally
at the Red Lion Ice Cream Farm, Haughton,
Stafford, in August. Fifty four attending members
enjoyed a fish and chip tea in the marquee and
battled through several rounds of knockout table
top skittles. Ann Corbishley took first prize closely
followed in second place by Diane Johnson, Kevin
Hullah was a worthy third place. A book sale in the
aid of Breakthrough Breast Cancer, held during
this rally, raised over £118.
Peter Corbishley reported some strange goings on
in Derbyshire. He likened the county to the
Bermuda Triangle as several accidents and
mishaps occurred during the Fenny Bentley rally. A
run in with an EU official over pitch markers was
the first of many strange happenings. Peter said,
“You couldn’t make it up!”
- as mechanical
breakdowns followed a broken ankle, a fall from a
bicycle, a flat tyre and a non flushing loo!
Peter added,
“All I can add is...when travelling
through Derbyshire, beware...”
Dave and Sue Knight organised the first Driffield
rally. Sue reported that Yorkshire was voted the
UK’s Best Holiday Destination at the World Travel
Awards ceremony in Portugal, October, 2012.
Ralliers at the Driffield rally certainly experienced
the Yorkshire Riviera at its best with a beautiful
weekend of wall to wall sunshine, food fayres,
farmers markets, historical houses and glorious
Kevin Hullah, the Group Secretary, brushed with
celebrities in Chipping Norton after he allegedly
witnessed Jeremy Clarkson collecting his Elddis
from the Merryweather Farm caravan site storage
area. Mr Clarkson, the Top Gear presenter and
resident of Chipping Norton, must have had a
radical turnaround in his opinion of caravans as
these vehicles have often been involved in
destructive comedy stunts on his TV show. Kevin
also saw Julian Lloyd-Webber filling up his car at
the garage when he went for his morning paper.
The final brush with fame happened when the
Ralliers were invited into the on-site marquee
where a local band was rehearsing. One of our
members got into a conversation with the band
and discovered the drummer’s uncle was Billy
Nevitt - one of the most successful jockeys of the
postwar era, who rode several Derby winners.
One of the main highlights of the Stourport rally
was a horse racing night held in what must be a
rare feature these days – a Police Club! This was
by kind permission of the Chief Constable of West
Mercia who allowed the Group to use the facility
at Force Headquarters at Hindlip Hall. The horse
racing game was great fun and is available for
loan at future events. Contact details below.
At the Belford rally members discovered the origin
of the Singin’ Hinny - which is a type of scone
cooked on an open fire. It gets its odd name from
impatient children asking when it would be ready
and being told by their mothers, “it won’t be long
now, it’s singin’ hinny”. Singin’ referred to the
sound made by the dough as it sizzled and Hinny
is a term of affection in the North East of England
meaning honey. Ralliers also enjoyed a trip on the
Heatherslaw Light Railway - a 15” gauge railway
that runs between the picturesque Northumbrian
villages of Ford and Etal.
Turn to page 31 for a full list of rallies for the 2013
season or contact:
or to read rally reports in more detail visit:
Interested in
Self Defence
Rob Stenhouse from North Wales branch
has reached 'Group in Foundation' status
for his initiative to form an IPA Special
Interest Group for those interested in
Defensive Tactics.
He is asking like minded members
interested in self defence and defensive
tactics to help formalise the Group.
Rob said,
“I subscribe to the vision, ‘give police officers the skills they need to survive
when attacked’. In other words, ‘keep officers safe on the streets’. This vision was
held by people who were my inspiration.
At present I run a defensive tactics club at Chester University, I teach Defensive
Tactics in a firearms department and am a member of the IPDTA. I would very much
like to set up an IPA Defensive Tactics Special Interest Group.”
Rob has written an article on his inspiration and plans for the Group.
To read this article visit:
Anyone interested in this Group should contact Rob direct on:
Rob (right) sparring
Clive Washbourne is a Railway Modelling enthusiast who
operates in OO gauge.
Clive believes it is beneficial to share
specialist knowledge and has often been approached on this
subject. He is willing to coordinate a discussion group so any
member interested can contact him by e-mail at:
Andrew Hamilton, is looking to contact members interested in
This great outdoor pursuit is perfect for
families. If you are a Geocacher or want to know
what one is - turn to page 20.
Motorcycle Group
Turn to page 14 for news of the Motorcycle Group’s
Moroccan adventure or if you are interested in
joining email:
Bowling Group
The Bowling Group plans to hold a bowling festival
during 2013 on the back of their successful
inaugural event that took place in August, 2012. For
more information contact Sean Hannigan at:
Scuba Diving Group
For an update from the Diving Group contact Mark
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