IPA News
to Raise Funds
For well over forty years Sussex branch has been twinned with Rouen
branch, Section France.
The two branches have a strong relationship and
visits are made on an annual basis.
To raise branch funds, Rouen branch hold a market every September.
Sheila Boniface, the wife of 11 Region and Sussex branch Secretary Adrian
Boniface, reached out and offered her help - deciding to use her creative
skills to produce items that could be sold at the market. Sheila spent many
weeks knitting a fantastic variety of child friendly scarecrows. Her efforts
were truly appreciated and offered a boost to Rouen's branch funds -
making a total of 150 euros.
Paul Reeves is the 2012 winner
of the 10 Region, Clay Pigeon
Shoot. Paul was presented with
the 'Dave Ross Trophy' (a trophy
named in memory of IPA
member Dave Ross
by Dave’s
widow Jane
Several IPA members and guests
competed in the event which took
place at 'Flambards Farm',
Purleigh in Essex. The shoot was organised by 10 Region
Secretary, Steve Hunt, who unfortunately had to be on duty -
so missed out on the fun.
Second place went to Pete Condon - Chair of 'K Branch. Pete
was presented with a runners-up trophy by Graham Ferris of
Fair weather steadied the aim of all competitors and the
general atmosphere was of friendly competition. Winner of the
'could do better next time' trophy went to a guest of member
Graham Hadley.
This year’s event will take place on 29 September, 2013 for
more details visit:
or email
Jane Ross and Paul Reeves
10 Region
Clay Pigeon
Shoot 2012
Graham Ferris and Pete Condon
Police World
Vol 58 No.1 2013
Sheila’s creations
Section UK has been awarded
Gold Standard for its website.
The IPA Website Awards were
announced at the IPA World Congress in
Eilat by the outgoing Chair of the International
Cultural Commission, Julianna Papné Végső. Forty eight sections'
websites were assessed.
merits for 2012 were awarded to the UK, Israel and Australia.
merits for 2012 were awarded to Germany, Italy, New Zealand,
Sweden, Turkey & Ireland.
merits for 2012 were awarded to United States, Netherlands,
Canada, Greece, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Croatia & Hungary.
Certificates were presented to the delegates from the Sections that had
been awarded a Gold merit award. All Sections can display the award on
their websites for one year and there will be an annual review thereafter.
Assessment Criteria used is listed below:
Service to members (e-mail distribution list etc.), clarity of the front page,
useful links on the front page to lead members through the site, using
search or survey engines, competitions
accessibility to other Sections
(links). Use of graphics, interaction, current content (is the site up to
date?), tradition (history of the Section or regions; photo of Arthur Troop
on the site), regional involvement, is the site user friendly?, national
tourist attractions, password (members only area).
Paul Reeves
Was on Target
Drug Driving
The findings of the International Professional
Commission (IPC) Drugs Driving Survey can be viewed by
IPC member Demetris Demetriou gave a presentation of his
analysis of this survey at the XX IPA World Congress in
Israel during September, 2012.
Could do better next time
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