Police World
Vol 58 No.1 2013
can remember someone telling me very
early in my career about the IPA. Only being
young and foolish at the time I didn’t take
much notice. What a shame that was.
Early in 2012, I transferred to North Yorkshire
police and was posted to Scarborough where I
quickly became aware that the area had its own
IPA branch. I spoke to a number of members and
as I didn’t really know anyone, I thought that if I
joined it would be a great opportunity to get to
meet new people - so I did.
I was made aware of an invitation to celebrate
IPA Ludwigsburg’s 30th anniversary. I’d never
been to Germany before so I thought it would be
an ideal opportunity to meet new friends and
experience their culture, architecture and of
course the food and famous beer.
So in October, 2012, I joined other branch
members, Colin Phipps, Chris Charlton and Keith
Hughes in Ludwigsburg. We stayed at the IPA
branch apartment in Ditzingen near Ludwigsburg
and were amazed by the welcome we received.
Not only had local members collected us and
escorted us to our accommodation, more
members were waiting to greet us as we walked
through the door. They had also prepared a
selection of local beer and food, a great treat for
the weary travellers. It was clear to me at that
moment that the IPA really did represent ‘service
through friendship’.
The next morning, we had just finished breakfast
when there was a knock at the door. It was yet
another member of the local branch with a
message that we would be met later for a guided
tour of Stuttgart
followed by an evening
The following day, we
took the opportunity to
explore the city and do
a little sightseeing with
our new friends. We
found some fantastic
locations and places of interest, especially the
Stuttgart beer festival. After a few hours in the
bier keller we had mastered the local dancing
and songs. We were just missing the lederhosen.
This enjoyable day led to the formal Anniversary
celebrations in the evening.
The main event was fantastic and had members
from other countries, including Austria and
Hungary. I was in full British uniform so
throughout the evening, in between the
entertainment, there were a lot of photos taken
and questions asked.
After a well deserved sleep we were again
treated to a tour of the local prison museum -
which had been opened especially for us. This
showed just how much the penal system had
changed in recent years, and also explained how
the criminal justice system worked in Germany.
The local branch also arranged for us to visit the
police HQ of the neighbouring town of Marbach.
Since the time of the visit I have kept regular
contact with the members of the Ludwigsburg
branch, and am hoping to host a return visit,
especially for their younger members who want
to improve their language skills. I have shared my
experiences with colleagues back at
Scarborough and have actively encouraged new
members to my local branch.
For those of you that have colleagues and friends
who are still unsure about whether they should
join the IPA, tell them to do it and do it now! All I
can say it that I wish I had joined the IPA when I
was first asked.
I must thank our host, Peter Kolwe, branch Chair,
and all the members of Ludwigsburg branch for
their generous hospitality. It was a truly
wonderful experience.
I can honestly say that joining the IPA is possibly
one of the best decisions I have made. Having
only been a member of the IPA since March,
2012, I have been offered so much support, not
only from my branch members but others from
neighbouring branches as well. I have met so
many new people I now regard as friends.
Craig Regan
, Scarborough Branch
Craig, second right, joins
International members
for a photo opportunity
In August, 2012, members Hans and Deryl
Rennie, from Avon and Somerset South, invited
members to their annual charity Cream Tea
event, at their home in Odcombe, in aid of
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance.
is an idyllic Somerset village lying to the west of
Yeovil and hosts Hans and Deryl have a charming
Those wishing to join Hans for a stroll around the
village arrived early afternoon whilst others for
the tea party arrived in time to see hot freshly
baked scones coming out of the oven. Supplies
from an endless teapot accompanied delicious
scones, rich clotted cream and selection of home
made jams which were enjoyed by all whilst the
cakes and sponges stood waiting, tempting the
first cut.
Deryl even sent one or two home with ‘doggy
bags’. In recent years a minimum donation has
been suggested but in reality that is always
This year, it was so good to see new faces among
the branch members sat around the table.
Friendly exchanges and banter made it a most
pleasant Sunday afternoon. The branch treasurer
also received donations from members who
could not make this year’s event, resulting in a
total of £130 raised for the charity.
On behalf of the members present, David Read
thanked Hans and Deryl for their generous
hospitality. An immediate invitation to repeat the
event in 2013 was readily accepted. (Diary date -
Sunday 18 August 2013).
The Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance relies
on donations to operate (no government
funding). The branch chose it as their charity
because it is local in nature for the benefit of all.
Whilst members do not expect to raise large
sums their efforts help to keep an important life
saver operational. Further events will be used to
add to funds when the branch hopes to present a
cheque that is near to their target figure of £400.
To read how this event started visit:
This is the story of how an event in Germany confirmed
that I had made the right decision in joining the IPA.
Mastering the local songs
What a
IPA Cream Tea Raises £130
for Local Air Ambulance
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